Workout of the Day
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Three sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Wall Runs x 20-30 shoulder taps
Rope Climb x 2 reps or 1 legless
L-Sit Hold x 30-40 seconds
MEN & WOMEN 40-44 and 45-49
Three rounds for time of:
50 Calorie Row
15 Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-Unders
MEN & WOMEN 50-54 and 55-59
Three rounds for time of:
40 Calorie Row
15 Handstand Push-Ups with 2-inch Riser/Abmat
40 Double-Unders
30 Calorie Row
15 Handstand Push-Ups with 4-inch Riser/Abmat
30 Double-Unders
A. Wall runs: 10/10/10 (scaled with hands farther out from the wall)
Toes to bar (no rope): 10/10/10
L-sits: 20/20/20
Had to scale these quite a bit, Wall-walks and L-sits kick my ass as 6’1″ 225 to 230# CFer. Good to be ‘forced’ to work them
B. 30:04 (50 call/scaled to 10 Strict HSPUs per round/50 Dus)
HSPUs and double-unders are big goats. HPSUs took a lot of time and I need work on my DUs
A: Done – Subbed towel PU for Rope(Garage Gym)
B: 13:25 Aerobic capacity is defiantly my goat
C: I’m going go snatch now!
A-Handstand wall walks new to me fun stuff.
B-17:21 Tried strict hspu “mistake” got fist 12 then kipped balance.
45-49, having fun and being pushed.
51 y.o.
A. 20 x 3 wall walks
2 x 3 climbs w/ leg (needed to work on j hook)
3 x 30 sec. L – sit
B. 11:53. About a minute slower than MQ. I did not use a riser today but I don’t think that made much of a difference. All HSPU and DU done unbroken. Row was about 15 sec. slower per round than MQ.
Later in day did some push jerks and split jerks.
A. Wall run started shaky but I got the hang of it by the third round. Did single rope climbs since I’ve only recently figured those out.
B. 18:27 Scaled DUs to 1:30 of attempts
A. At the firehouse so did my own warm up (no rope or lsit prop
B. 13:07 I always try to get 1 calorie per pull but today not consistent
Hspu all strict unbroken 1 of my strengths
Du all unbroken except last set tripped at 32 ugh
A. Handstand walks(several attempts to get 50ft each rd), legless rope climb, :44/:34/:39 L-sit
B. 45-49 division. 16:23, with strict HSPU. I think my time was 12 something with kipping in the qualifier. I’m trying not to do kipping unless it’s a requirement or in competition. Much better on my neck! Row was 3:18, 3:33, 3:36. PU 15 UB, 5/5/2/2/1, 7/2/2/1/1/1/1, DU all unbroken. Love this WOD! And the programming of course:)
That is awesome Christine! Save the neck. You will only get stronger in kipping HSPU by doing a ton strict!
Thanks Nichole! Super excited to see this Master’s programming come to fruition. It’s so much more fun than getting my butt kicked with the Comp blog. I’m trying to add in some endurance workouts on my off days to train with Regan. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up.
A. Couldn’t do Handstand wall runs — will have to work on that. 2 regular rope climbs 2x10s hold — another thing that needs work.
B. (50-54) 17:45 w/kipping HSPU.
A. 3 rounds: ~15′ handstand walk, 1 legless rope climb, 30 sec L-Sit hold
B. (45-49) 18:46; 3rd round row was awful, 3 pulls per Cal.
Followed this with part A of todays Competition WOD.
First day doing the programming. Early part of week was heavy on shoulder work and haven’t fully recovered. Shoulder strength is a big weakness for me.
A. Did hand stand holds with nose to wall for 60 sec and attempted L-sit holds (first ever) for 15 secs!! Need to work on these.
B. 17:32 (2:28, 2:41, 2:58) had to do strict DB press (35#) since my box was doing wall ball shots and there was no wall space. Had to break up presses. DU’s still a work in progress (UB, 20-20-10, 20-30)
Welcome Ralph!
A. Done. For me handstand wall runs were extremely difficult
B. 40-44 Division – time 14:35. Every movement was rolling nicely. I did HSPU’s with kipping
I did also some extra squatting today because I assume that tomorrow is a rest day. Pause back squats with 2sec pause at bottom, 6 sets with 3 reps on each.
A. Done. Each set 1 legless and :30 sec hold
B. 45-49 division- 25:10 using 1 abmat for strict HSPU
A. done
B. 13:50 HSPU=weakness
A. All done with 1 Legless and :30 holds per round.
B. 45-49 – 18:13 with 1 abmat strict, no kipping
Need to work on rowing for calories. 3:28/3:49/3:44 Row times.
Loved the week. Thank you again for programming for the Masters!
This is one of the Masters Qualifier WODs from this year. I did it in 12:33 then. Went unbroken on DU, doing an extra 10 each round. DUs haven’t been kind to me lately. It’ll be interesting to see how I do.
Are the HSPU strict or kipping?
Kipping was allowed during the Masters Qualifier.
Kipping is allowed but if you would like to work sHSPU into some conditioning (or need to work on them) then try this with strict. Just know that it changes the speed of the workout.