Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time – slow and perfect:
Air Squats with Slingshot or Mini-Band Around Knees x 10-15 reps
Bird Dogs x 10 reps per side
Banded Clam Shells x 10 reps per side @ 1011
Every 90 seconds, for 6 sets, complete:
High Hang Clean x 2 reps
No forward inclination of the torso, just down and up.
Five Sets of:
Front Squat with a Pause x 5-6 reps @ 3211
Rest 3 minutes
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Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
A. Complete
B. up to 2reps @ 180
C. 5th set: 5×225
D. 7:04
A. Done
B. 185, 205, 225, 225, 225, 225
C. 5×5 185, 205, 225, 225, 225
D. 8:38. Not my best performance on it. But it is what it is. Thrusters killed me.
I love the programming!
A, Done
B. all @ #185
C, all @ @166, could have gone heavier but still finding my weight to rep ratio
D. Jackie 9.00
A. Complete – Liked the banded work B. 95, 115, 135, 135, 135, 135#x C. 5 x 5 x 155# D. 7:50. Came out toofast on the row (3:33, had planned on 3:45), then broke up the thrusters as I was kind gassed for a bit. Went something like 10/8/4/2/2/2/2 on the pull-ups. Waay under my PR of 6:35 (when I was probably at my best ever). But the comeback trail has to start somewhere, right 🙂 Chippers with light weight/high rep movements are a weakness right now, as are thrusters/wallballs (especially combined with rowing) and high rep pull-ups. Stayed… Read more »
Sorry guys, I am a little late to the game! I just flew in from Brazil this morning and am catching up on all the blog comments!
Looks like connecting chunks of pull ups when tired is something we can work on! We will keep that in mind when doing some of your skills gymnastics warm ups for sure!
Great work everyone!
That would be awesome! Struggling to do this with C2B
My rest day is Wednesday so did this on Thursday.
A. Done
B. 165, 165, 170, 170, 170
C. 5 x 185, 205, 225, 235 (failed rep 5), 235
D. 7:51 Unbroken on thrusters but gassed on pull-ups. Can’t remember the last time I did this but I don’t think I’ve done it under 9:00 before.
Obviously I am not computer savy…am I missing the link to the masters work somewhere on the site? I am only able to find this page via the link posted at the end of the comp workout. As for today (assuming it’s a rest day) I am not seeing any work for 10/2. Help. ; )
Correct, it’s a rest day. I didn’t post the link to the rest day, but you can always find all of the masters workouts here:
Quick question about Jackie….
I’ve always done it w a 45# bar. Is 33 # RX for women?
Depends on the competition but it is prescribed for women to use a 33 lbs bar
Great. Thank you. Looking forward to the programming:)
A. Done
B. 65/70/75/85/90/95
C. All at 95lbs
D. 10:17–Row 2:22 Thrusters in 3 Sets Pull-ups done in sets of 2’s 3’s and 4’s
(M, 54, 6’2″, 200)
A. Done
B. all sets at 155#
C. 165×5, 165×5, 155×5, 155×5 (4 sets only)
D. Fat fingers didn’t start the stop watch.
A: Done- I’ll be doing more of these clamshells they felt great
B: 132Lb-162-183-206-224-234-244 Bar was moving nice tonight!
C: 225×6-245×6-245×6-255×6-265×6
D: 7:32 I believe this is about a 10sec PR will have to renew beyond the whiteboard to find out?? PU were the weak link today
Nice work Dave! Congrats on the PR!
Awesome work Dave!
Jackie: 8:58 didn’t stick to my plan for one sec. Broke on the thrusters at 20. Argh! PUs were a mini disaster.
Good lesson though…try to stick to the plan! 🙂 Remember, it doesn’t hurt much more to keep going than it does to rest for 5 seconds; there is no relief until you are done, so you might as well finish faster.
Couldn’t agree more! Thanks for the support!
A. Done
B. 105, 115, 135, 135,155
C. 125×5, 145×5, 155×5, 160x 5, 175×5
D. Class wod
51 y.o.
A. Check
B. 135-145-155-165-175-185
C. 135-145-155-165-175
D. 7:07 First time doing Jackie.
Staying light on squat movements because of recent quad injury. Did not feel any pain or tightness today but still being cautious. Not sure I could have gone much heavier anyway. Nice workout.
Keep us posted on your quad injury. Would like to make sure you are resting it adequately so that it can heal!
B-115, 145, 165, 175, 185, 185
C-155, 185, 215, 235, 235
D-7:31 I sucked at pull ups tonight-no rhythm when getting gassed.
A. complete
B. 205/215/225/225/225/225
C. 5 x 5 @ 225
D. 6:56
A. Done (love the mobility!)
B. 73/78/83/88/88 (Clean is a big weakness for me so I appreciate this technique work!)
C. 123/123/123/123/128 (Thanks for adding squats!)
D. 10:21 (need to work on getting more than 3 PU at a time)
A. Completed
B. 135/155/175/175/175/175 bad form
C. 225 all sets
D. 8:30 felt slow on rower today and my kip timing was off but overall thought it was a decent time.
I am out on the East Coast what time do they post the workouts for the following day?
Also what kind of schedule is it going to be I missed the 1st day
The workouts post at 9:00 p.m. Pacific. Thursdays are active recovery days, and Sunday’s are full rest and recovery.
A. Completed
B. 85, 95, 105, 115, 120, 125 felt great
C. 95, 115, 125, 130, 130. Couldn’t keep the tempo if I went up in weight. These are hard!
D. Jackie 7:06 PR! old PR was 7:21. 4:14 row, UB Thrusters, PU 20/10. Thought I could hang on and knock out the 30…next time:)
Nice Jackie girl!!!
Thanks Karen! So happy to see your posts. I hope your back gets better:)
Wow! That’s an awesome PR Christine! Great job!
Great work Christine!
A. Lovin’ these warm-ups!
B. 185,185,195,200,205,215
*sets got easier as I got the feel of things with 215 being the easiest
C. 215,225,225,225 (4 then couldn’t stand up the 5th), 215
*did 5 on all. Holy shit these get difficult quickly. First 3 always felt kinda easy and then BAM!!
D. 6:26
*had to break pull-ups on 16 and 22 then finished.