Workout of the Day
Three sets for times of:
10 Handstand Push-Ups
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes
Modify chest-to-bar pull-ups to regular pull-ups if your age division did so during the Open.
For time:
Run 100 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Run 100 Meters
30 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (55/35 lbs)
Run 100 Meters
30 Burpees
Run 100 Meters
30 Dumbbell Push Press (55/35 lbs)
Run 100 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Run 100 Meters
100 Meter Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry (55/35 lbs)
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A 1:29, 1:56, 2:22, hspu UB all 3 rounds, pull ups UB first 2 rounds, missed several times on DUs last 2 rounds, felt good about hspu’s
B. 17:10, 45#db, used both on ground to overhead, did power clean and push press and jerk, dbs always gas me
Did this workout sunday morning
A. 1:21, 1:33, 1:40
B. 11:54
I am so sorry…I missed the 30 push press…copied it wrong to whote board 🙁
I was super impressed with your time when I saw that score yesterday. Still a good time. Good job.
I knew when I beat you that something was up…lol
the simultaneous db gto were quite a gasser. I was kind of clumsy and not efficient.
great workout! was it supposed to feel hard?? DB ground to overhead and push press felt hard
Megan Becker (50/5’5″/135)
A. 4:07, 4:11, 4:14 (HSPUs and DUs were good. Spent all my time on the C2Bs. Not sure why they were so bad today.) Pretty depressing to see that my times were 3 times longer than what you guys did 🙁
B. 16:38 (30# DBs, 16kg KB) I wish I had tried Brandon’s sumo power snatch. I did DB clean & jerks and they took me a while.
A. 1:19, 1:23, 1:51
B. 13:48 45#DB 20kgKB
Note: had some trouble with last round of du’s. Assumed two DB’s on the push press.
A. 1:39, 2:05, 2:08- best HSPU of my life. All UB sets and felt I could’ve kept going. Was the C2B that didn’t cooperate. If I could just put it all together…
B. 15:04. I liked this one!
Are the db gto alternating one arm snatches 15 ea?
I assumed it’s both overhead at once. I played with it and ended up doing what I’ll call a “sumo power snatch.” Not sure if that was correct?
I did alternating.
A: 1:02, 1:08, 1:16 – first time kipping HSPU in 4-6 weeks. Felt ok.
B: 12:22 – ran out to 50m cone. In sun on hot sunny day. Uncomfortable. Cardio isn’t there yet. Last 2 runs were rough.