Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
40-60 foot Handstand Walk
Rest 60-90 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 – 70-75% of 1-RM Hang Snatch
*Set 3-4 – 75-80%
*Set 5-6 – 80-85%
*Set 7-8 – 85-90%
*Set 9-10 – 90-95%
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:
50 Calories on Airdyne (or Concept 2 if no Airdyne)
10 Muscle-Ups
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30 Toes to Bar
40 Alternating Pistols (with weight vest if possible)
50-Yard Sled Push (load this heavy)
I wanted to give you all a little break from the constant simulation of the Regionals events. We’ll get back to them again this weekend, but let’s switch up the conditioning a little so that you don’t lose your minds.
Three sets of:
40-60 foot Handstand Walk
Rest 60-90 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 – 70-75% of 1-RM Hang Snatch
*Set 3-4 – 75-80%
*Set 5-6 – 80-85%
*Set 7-8 – 85-90%
*Set 9-10 – 90-95%
Two rounds for time, in teams of three (MMM or FFF):
Run 800 Meters
90 Pull-Ups
45 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
6 Trips Up and Back of Front-Racked Walking Lunges (135/95 lbs)
Run 800 Meters
Team done with two people groups
A. Done still working on these. Our ceiling is very high on these:)
B, done no misses
C. 25:49
A. Good
B. 160, 170, 185, 195, 205
C. 1 round plus 20 HSPU I used a 20lb weight vest for the HSPU and pistols
A. Done, felt good
B. Worked up to 210#
C. 2rds+11cal
A. Still struggling but slightly better
B. Worked up to 115
C. Through 1 rd + 5 HSPU (sub farmer carry)
A.3x length of gym (about 70 feet)
B.235 on the fifth set, worked doubles between 210-220 for remaining sets. No misses
C. Rowers in use so did 1 mile air dyne, 50 yard sled pull. weighted pistols accidentally thought it was 40 t2b. 1 round+38 t2b. Didn’t gel too good with this one, on to the next one.
A. Done
B. Done off 235
C. later
A. 3×60′. 60 seconds rest.
B. did all the percentages based off of 230. felt great so I went for 235 and nailed it. feeling real comfortable from the hang.
C. 2+10 muscle ups. this was brutal with the weighted pistols.
A. Done
B. 190, 200, 210, 225, 240 (no misses at all today, really happy with this)
C. Just short of 2 rounds (Strict HSPUs continue to be kryptonite!)
C.2R+30cal Row
Backs still not 100% but good enough to get back at it.
A. 60 ft/ 60 sec rest
B. Very hesitant to hang snatch again after last time. Ill probably just do some light weight form work tonight and build from there…
C. 2 rounds+ 3 cal row.
No missed reps up to 85kg
2 rounds + 35 Calories
Suggestions if we don’t have a sled?
Yoke, farmers Carry, heavy medball carry 🙂