May 11, 2014 – Regionals Group 2

Workout of the Day
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 6, and then…

For time:
50-Calorie Row
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lb)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips

You don’t need to do the full event. Know this…at this stage in the competition, the way up the pyramid will include some strategies on pacing and performance, but I believe the way down will depend much more on heart and desire. You will need to run on “feel” in determining your pace and breaks on the way down…and allow your desire to leave the arena with no regrets be your motivation to push harder than is comfortable.

Rest 3-4 hours if possible, and then…

Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 7, and then…

“2014 Regionals Event 7”
64 Pull-Ups
8 Overhead Squats (205/135 lbs)

You need to get comfortable with an immediate transition from your pull-ups to overhead squats. The top times are not going to take much, if any, break between their last pull-up, the sprint and their first overhead squat. Take a chance in the gym so you know what you’ll be capable of in competition.
“2014 Regionals Team Event 7”
Male/female pairs move through stations of:
500-meter row,
partner completes 125 double-unders (each)
50 deadlifts (275/185 lb.)
partner holds barbell at the waist
50 toes-to-bars,
partner hangs

“2014 Regionals Team Event 8”
M/F/M/F/M/F Relay – Each member completes the following for time:
49 Pull-Ups
7 Overhead Squats (185/115 lbs)

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Sammy D (Aus)
Sammy D (Aus)
May 13, 2014 11:54 pm

A. Did Stacey tovars strategy of fast singles with 2-3 sec rest between each rep. Took 5 mins off the amount of time it took me to do the dips! We did the whole wod as I flew out the next day so it was a solid last hitout with my training partner. Got 26 box jump overs out last time I got 26 deadlift a out so a vast improvement 🙂 Wall balls unbroken and faster row helped this. B. 3:02 massive improvement again from last time did 18-15-12-9-6-4 and felt good with ascending sets, squat snatched the first… Read more »

Wesley Wonka
Wesley Wonka
May 12, 2014 4:54 am

a) 12:15. need to do wall balls in 5 sets of 10 or 15-15-10-10. did this in sets of 5 and it took way too long.
b) skipped will do it today.

LP Boudreault (CanadaEast)
LP Boudreault (CanadaEast)
May 11, 2014 8:55 pm

A. 18:30 again improvement. My pair, 10:34. Grip was shot today, way more than last weekend.
B. 3:00. Faster than last time by 30 sec.
Team finish time on clock. M: 2:22, F: 6:56, M: 9:56, F: 14:35, M: 49 Pullups

Constantino Montes
Constantino Montes
May 11, 2014 8:30 pm

A: 12:58

Dips are rough. I think I’ll hit everything else a little quicker and use the time on the rings to recover my wind.

B: 3:10

Started off with a set of 30 and did 3-4 more sets after that. OHS unbroken. I think I could defiantly improve on this.

Evan Beach
Evan Beach
May 11, 2014 7:05 pm

A. 14:00 – tried a different method on the BJ and it fudged me. Flipped the box and used it the long way to simulate the standards
B. 3:15 – about 2 min faster than last time, lost the 8th OHS. Gonna get them unbroken at regionals this weekend

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
May 11, 2014 9:45 pm
Reply to  Evan Beach

Exactly Evan, unbroken at Regionals!

Jonas MĂĽller
Jonas MĂĽller
May 11, 2014 9:41 am

a) 10:46, Deads in 10/10/10/5/5/5/5, wb in 30/20, dips in 10/10/5/5/5/5/3/2/2/1/2
b) 1:54, pullups in 30/20/14 & ohs unbroken
i look forward to this couplet next Sunday, gonna be brutal, but fun though

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
May 11, 2014 9:46 pm

Nice work on Portion B Jonas! That is fast!

Jonas MĂĽller
Jonas MĂĽller
May 13, 2014 2:25 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

thank you nichole! we’re both excited to finally compete

Lukas Esslinger
Lukas Esslinger
May 11, 2014 9:39 am

a) 10:46 (moved box and bar every 10 reps and used the box sideways to get use to a bigger box)

b) 2:01 (transition to the bar was 15meters to simulte transition at regionals)

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
May 11, 2014 9:46 pm

You and Jonas tied on Portion A – I love it! Nice work guys!

Espen Hellesøy
Espen Hellesøy
May 11, 2014 7:15 am


A. 9:56 for me and my partner. 18:34 team total.

B. 2:35. 14 sec slower than last time… Have to go harder on the pull-ups!

Filip Yang
Filip Yang
May 11, 2014 6:49 am

A: 12.10. Hardest event out of the 7 events for me.

B: 2.47. Still wondering how to break up the pullups the best way. Did 24-12-10-9-9 I think. Did a squat snatch on the first rep, think I’m gonna do a power snatch, reposition and go-time in the weekend.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
May 11, 2014 9:47 pm
Reply to  Filip Yang

I think that is a good choice Filip. Your shoulders are going to be tired, especially after Event 6. Power snatch and then ride it down to ensure stability.

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