Workout of the Day
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 4, and then…
Complete rounds of 21 and 15 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squats (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
Practice pacing and timing through the first two rounds of this event. This is the bulk of the volume, but important to know how it is going to set you up for the remaining 18 reps of each movement. Use this to determine where you will push the pace and where you will back off.
Rest 3-4 hours if possible, and then…
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 5, and then…
“2014 Regionals Event 5”
Ten rounds for time of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Sprint 200 Feet
Hit this with your ideal timing. Push the pace and don’t be afraid to fail in training…better to know where your redline is than to find out in competition.
“2014 Regionals Event 4/5″
Same-sex teams of three (MMM or FFF), complete the following for
50 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
10 Rope Climbs (14′)
40 Thrusters
8 Rope Climbs
30 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
“Regionals Team Event 6”
M/M/M/F/F/F Relay – Each member must complete rounds of 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Hang Power Cleans (160/110 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
A. Women 10:04, Men 8:18 – a bit quicker that last weekend, went head to head with our other team who got us by 3 sec! Good battle.
B. Didn’t worry about the time cap on this one – 31:25 – have one M and one F who struggle with the HSPU so now we know where to time cap the M to give the others enough time to get some reps (and only leave ~50 reps on the table at the time cap rather than ~90)
A. Was not able to do this in team of 3 today, so did it in team of 2! Did the same sets we are going to do when we are three. time: 5:19.
B. 3:44! 3 sec improvement 😀
A. 7:22 (probably going to try to go 5’s on the 15 set to let me go UB on 9. i always push the 15 set and get around 7-8-9 and slow WAY down on my reps)
B. 6:22 (starting to think this is just what i got here. always 6:15-6:30, felt like i was going faster all around and didn’t ever feel like i was risking a fall, i wanted to try and get there tho)
A. 10:40 – my worst time yet
B. 5:15 – my best time yet
A. Just made it through the 15 Burpee’s at the 20 minute time. This workout is what it is for me, all singles on my handstand push-ups not much more strategizing to do.
B. Right around five minutes. Did this a half hour after A, should have waited a little longer my shoulders were really fatigued from A
A. 7:11
B. 7:57
Paced a little too fast on A, probably should be more around 8 to have good push through final sets. Did rope climb 30 minutes later, hope I have more in me with a little more rest, was just over 30 second pace per climb until after 6th rep
A) 7:15
B) 10:30. Did 8 in 6:00 then failed 2 in a row. Will try to keep that 45s pace at regionals and finish in 7:00. Need to make sure I really jump hard to save the grip for the later rounds.
A Total time was 19:13. Girls got thru 30 thrusters and our time was 8:53 not including transition. We worked on smoother transitions from the back rack, slightly different sets for each of us which allowed us to keep the bar moving quicker and we improved our time from last week by a lot!
B 2:24 for me, 4:00 for LP and 4:51 for Julio. All of us are quicker. This left 9:45 for our first girl to get 4 burpees in the set of 6, which is more than we hoped
A. Yeah, we had a more similar set up to regionals and respected the rules better. We clearly push harder cause we improved with more restrictions.
B. Had to break the set of 6 on HSPU again. Was more tired after A than last week.
Good job team!
What team are you? I am on NCR2. See you next weekend!
We are CFOUEST. We’ll see you then !
a) 5:29, hspus in 11/10 & 8/7, frontsquats in 11/10 & 8/7
b) 4:29, that went way better with a slower pace on the run; not fun though doing this next to Lukas who’s gonna kill it!
Awesome Jonas! Great work on the HSPU and rope climb!
thank you nichole! pumped for next weekend!
a) 7:40 hspu felt hard today. was not able to stick to my game plan. will go a little slower on the set of 21 hspu on game day. I think it will make me faster overall
b) 3:27 (8 seconds PR) will have to make sure that I dont slow down on the run after 5 rounds.
Nice work on the run Lukas! Great learning for the HSPU’s – a slower pacing on the bigger set may help you stay consistent on the remaining chunk of the workout.
A: 10.05 – same strategy as the other times, think it works alright for me. Not gonna post a top score on this no matter what I do with a BW of 105kg.
B: 4.14 – measured 100f out and 100f back precisely. 3 sec PR from last time 😉 Question: You can jump down exactly as you want, as long as legs aren’t touching the rope, right? The only rule I can find is that you can use your legs when both hands are on the rope again.
I believe you can use your legs coming down once you have touched the beam with no legs. Then you can use your legs all the way down.
This is what the Games site says:
The athlete may only use their hands to climb the rope, but may use the legs on the descent after both hands are back on the rope after touching the cross beam.
Thanks Nichole 🙂 I was wondering about a full jump, cause that’s what I do at the moment 🙂
Edit: Just watched the teams do rope climbs and they jump down 🙂 So no worries. Thanks anyway!