Workout of the Day
“Regionals Event 1”
Find your 1-RM Hang Snatch
Athletes get only 3 attempts:
0:00-2:00 – Attempt # 1
2:00-4:00 – Attempt # 2
4:00-6:00 – Attempt # 3
Determine your goal weights and use this as a simulation. Warm-up and build to loads just as you plan to do at Regionals…and then wait 10 minutes between your last warm-up lift and starting the 6 minute clock. Get used to that delay to prepare for sitting in the corral waiting to be called.
Rest until the running clock hits 8:00, and then…
“Regionals Event 2”
Handstand Walk x Max Effort
If you know you will go 120′, practice your ideal rest period before attempting to come back.
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Two rounds for time of:
30 Alternating Pistols
9 Muscle-Ups
12 Hang Power Cleans (175/115 lbs)
This is your simulation weekend…make the most of it. If possible, try to sync up your training times with the times in which you will be expected to compete next weekend.
“Regionals Team Event 1”
M/F/M/F/M/F for time of:
15/12/9 Muscle-Ups
15/12/9 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
“Regionals Team Event 2”
8-minutes for each member of the team to establish a 1-RM
Hang Snatch – no team member may take more than 2 attempts.
Practice the loads that you intend to attempt in competition…which you
practiced earlier this week if you were following the program.
“Regionals Team Event 3″
Each team member has 60 seconds to perform a max distance handstand
walk in one unbroken attempt.
A: 215/225f/225
B: 80ft
Did this on a lumpy football field. I think I could do better.
C: 5:45
A. 205 miss, 215, 225
B. 40 feet
C. 6:11
A. Got the 9s MU: 0.35, CJ: 0:29
B. 195 & 205. That’s a 10 lbs PR from the hang. I’ll do it again at regionals
C. 110ft
A. Team time 12:38 – I got the 12s – UB muscleups
B. 185, 205 for me… hit 215 in warmup for the first time but with just 2 attempts I want to start with 185. Loading the barbell went smoothly, team was 10/12 overall
C. Only 35ft for me, know I have more in me here, hope I can go for something big on game day.
A. 135/145/155 f
B. Didn’t make 10ft… Really frustrating!!
C. 9:04 struggling mentally today
Try to keep your head up Ashley! I know it can be frustrating when you want something so bad but remember that the biggest rewards are always the ones that are the hardest to attain. Stay motivated, keep that determination and walk everywhere on your hands. 🙂
A. 195, 205f
B. 60′
C. 5:57
On call last night and slept about 3-4 hours. Felt a little slow today, gonna catch up the next couple nights
Get some good rest Brian!
A) 235,245,250 felt solid and cofidant In hitting next weekend. Wanted to attempt 255 but prob just to risky it’s the magic 5lb that is hot or miss
B) only made it about 70′ but not to worried pretty sure thT won’t be an issue
C)5:12 hang cleans get me, grip goes quick
From watching everyones grip on Event 3 from this past weekend, it has been made clear that this is definitely a grip-tastic workout. Be prepared for that and know your grip is going to go … then visualize how that can feel and how you overcome that feeling! 🙂
A. 215-225-230 (previous best was 215, hit 235 warming up)
B. 95′ (dissapointed. lost balance around 75 and spent a lot of effort trying to stabilize)
C. 5:22 (mu UB-7/2, cleans UB-6/6
Great work on the hang snatch Andy!!!
A Did 15/15 in 2:15
B 165-175. Those will be my weights.
C 60 ft
Nice job Raphael!
Not feeling very confident today but grinded through it, hope I can pick it up before next week!
A) 215#. Fails at 225 and 230#
B) 150 ft. Will rest till about 40 seconds left before attempting second length if I make it at regionals
C) 6:45 first round ub,ub,6-6
Second round fell apart slow ub, 5-4, 3-3-3-3
Visualize making that 120 ft!
A: We forgot to look at the clock, but I think I did the MU`s in 4:36… Felt a bit better this time
B: 40kg Failed on 42,5kg
C: 5m (PR)
A. Forgot to look at the clock.. But felt good! Did 9/9
B. 90kg, 100kg (f)…
C. 13 meters
Great work Espen!
a) done gym is only 32m. made this easy. did another attempt just to see how it feels. mad another 22meters.
b) 240, 250, 255f
c) 4:12 (this one was way harder then to original one!)
Great work Lukas!
a) 205, 215 (f), 215, need to work on my high pull
b) 2 lanes in 3min, rested till 2:00 and went for the 2nd lane
c) 3:59, MUs unbroken, cleans 6/6 & 4/4/4
Awesome work on C Jonas!
thank you nichole!
A: 105kg, 115kg, 120kg(fail)
B: 3 Lanes of 120ft. Done outside, small stones in my hand. Think I’m going for 3,5-4 lanes. Still can’t figure out how long to rest… Advice would be apreciated 🙂
C: 9.10. Pistols are still killing me.
Filip, 360′ is likely to be the best or tied for the best result in the world. If you’re capable of that, I would consider kicking up for the second trip at 9:10 (1:10 in), then at 10:15 or 10:20 (2:15-20) into the 3 minutes. Of course, depends on how quickly you make these trips too, but I am guessing that if you are making 360′ in 3 minutes you’re moving pretty quickly through these.
Thanks man. I will try that out. Seems like a solid plan. I’m spending around 30-35secs on the first 120′, and obviously a bit more on the next two.