May 6, 2014 – Regionals Group 2

Workout of the Day
Handstand Walk
Accumulate between 200 and 300 feet in as few attempts as possible. Treat this as deep learning practice. Stop, take time to correct positions and make it as proficient as possible.

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
*Set 1 – 80% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 2 – 85% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 3 – 90% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 4 – 95% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 5 – 100% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 6 – 105% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 7 – 105% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 8 – 110% of desired Opening Weight

Three sets of:
30 Alternating Pistols
5 Muscle-Ups
Rest 2 minutes

Perform this with a weight vest (8-15 lbs) if possible.

For times:
Row 30 Calories @ 110% of desired 50 Calorie pace
Rest 2 minutes
Row 40 Calories @ 105% of desired 50 Calorie pace
Rest 3 minutes
Row 50 Calories @ 100% of desired Event 6 pace
Rest 2 minutes

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Raphael Hamad
Raphael Hamad
May 8, 2014 2:02 pm

A 40 ft consistently, 60 ft max
B 135-145-155-165-175-175-175-180
C About 4 min a round, pistols still challenging.
D Done at 1400-1300-1200

Mia Iden Hellesen
Mia Iden Hellesen
May 7, 2014 5:15 am

A: Still practice… most I got today- 4m.

B: Based on 37,5kg opening weight. 30- 42,5kg (failed on the last one)

C: Today I struggled mentally with the muscle-ups. 3:00- 2:40- Failed on the muscle ups, and gave up to save my shoulders.

D: 1:57-2:29-3:04

Michael McCabe (Canada East)
Michael McCabe (Canada East)
May 7, 2014 3:18 am

A. most i got today was ~40ft – tried walking outside to have more than 50 ft but all i did was fall over awkwardly and tweak my glute/hip… will monitor that B. Based on 185 opener, up to 205 with no misses… with only two attempts for team i am tempted to open a bit higher but know i should probably play it safe C. modified a bit based on what i need to work on for the team stuff… 3 sets 5 MU on 82″ rings, 10 cal AD, 5 strict HSPU D. Did 300m, 400m, 500m@100% of… Read more »

Frosti Gylfason
Frosti Gylfason
May 7, 2014 12:41 am

A.4x 25 m
B.worked up to 90kg 105% had it overhead many times
But could not hold
C.did 2 rounds of
200m row
20 pistols
7 mu
10 hang pc
Pistols are still wery slow

Karen McCadam
Karen McCadam
May 6, 2014 9:40 pm

A. making some progress getting to 40′ or so.
B. made it up to 165, 5# PR, happy to get this.
C. used 8#, felt slow on the pistols, Mu felt ok, broke into 3/2. Only did 2 rounds, knee and shoulder started feeling iffy.
D. ran out of time.

Dani Miles (Northwest)
Dani Miles (Northwest)
May 6, 2014 9:23 pm

A. Done, not much room in box…need to get back to football field for this again (more consistent though)

B. 105/110/115/125/130/135/140/145(f)….feeling slow and tight tonight, not able to lock out overhead very well and once I got heavier it was harder to correct.

C. Not for time, but used weight for first time on muscle ups….worked up to 10lbs (I was happy about this).

D.1:14; 1:46; 2:23 (about or just under 1500/1400/1300 cal per hr pace on each)

Constantino Montes
Constantino Montes
May 6, 2014 7:21 pm

A: done

Longest was 65 feet approximately.

B: 175/185/195/205/215/225/235/245fx3

Just barely missed 245 3 different times. So I was thinking of starting at 215 but after today, up through 235 felt great, I’m thinking starting at 225, then 235, then 245 which should be a PR. Any recommendations?

C: 1:25/1:13/1:12

Got better as I warned up

D: 1:03/1:30/2:06

Final pace will be around 1450-1500 for me.

Mack Unruh (N.West)
Mack Unruh (N.West)
May 6, 2014 6:22 pm

A. Have a hard time maxing out HS Walk because of space, I have to walk in a big square. Did three attempts 75ft,75ft,87ft
B. based of starting weight of 185# got up to 205#
C. 1:27, 1:25, 1:27 With 15lb vest
D. 58secs: 1:33: 2:20

Aaron Beatty
Aaron Beatty
May 6, 2014 5:44 pm

A. Did free standing hand stand holds. Then hand stand walk to an ab mat, hspu, and walk back in reverse.
B. Up to 200.
C. 1:31, 1:39, 1:25. All unbroken. Got as close to 20lbs as we could. Give or take a lb.
D. .58, 1:41, 2:22

Brian Rottinghaus
Brian Rottinghaus
May 6, 2014 5:36 pm

A. 40′ x 3. Need more room, this is max distance can go in gym
B. Based off 185, hit 195 easy, missed 205 x 2
C. 1:29, 1:27, 1:26. Pistols are slow
D. 1700 cal/min, 1600, 1500

Andy Rosenbaum
Andy Rosenbaum
May 6, 2014 4:06 pm

A. 60′, 60′, 110′ missed the turnarounds
B. based off 205, only missed at 225 (110%, tried twice)
C. 1:15-1:12-1:08 (15lb vest)
D. 1:07-1:38-2:11 (going to guess this is faster than my game pace)

Kristi Eramo (central east)
Kristi Eramo (central east)
May 6, 2014 3:45 pm

A. Getting better walked ab 55 ft as my longest
B.105/110/115/120f/125/130/130f/130f …. Did Sundays work out last night and shoulders are feeling it. Frustrated with this.
B. 1:11, 1:09, 1:07 …. No vest at the gym
D. Recovery 1000 m row bc feeling beat down

patrick oconnell central east
patrick oconnell central east
May 6, 2014 3:44 pm

A) 190,200,210,225,235,245,245,255f
B)didn’t have a weight best. 56,54,52
C) just did a recovery row, 50s in the heat yesterday gassed me

Jorgen Gronner
Jorgen Gronner
May 6, 2014 2:43 pm

A. Done

B. 70-75-80-85-90-95-100-100kg(f).

C. No vest. 1:40 something, lost count on pistols, 1:18, 1:18. MUs UB.

D. 1:15/1:40/2:15.

Evan Beach
Evan Beach
May 6, 2014 1:52 pm

A. Got up 54 ft today
B. 165, 175, 185, 195, 205 (this is my starting weight), 215, 215 (f), 225 (this is my hang PR, felt easy)
C. 1:37, 1:39, 1:45 – all MU UB (15 lb vest)
D. 30 cals :52, 40 cals 1:18, 50 cals 1:51

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 6, 2014 4:56 pm
Reply to  Evan Beach

Great job Evan!

Ray Schlissler
Ray Schlissler
May 6, 2014 1:10 pm

Do teams follow this programming as well?

Wesley Wonka
Wesley Wonka
May 6, 2014 1:09 pm

A) 80, 100, 100
B) 175,185f, 195, 205, 215,225, 225f, 235f
Started failing at the end because I wasn’t keeping the bar close and bruised my pubic area nice and good was really painful
C) 12# vest; pistols in about 1 min and then muscle ups were a real gut check with the weight vest.
3:24, 2:52, 2:45
D) 1:13, 1:41,2:15
Goal pace 1350 cal/hr

Renee M (Canada East)
Renee M (Canada East)
May 6, 2014 12:58 pm

A. 2×100 feet unbroken
B. 125/135/145/150/155/160/165(f)/170
C. 1:40/1:34/1:30 MU unbroken
D. 1:27/2:14/2:50

Lukas Esslinger
Lukas Esslinger
May 6, 2014 12:47 pm

a) done in two sets

b) 190 205 215 230 240 245(f) 245 235 felt off today

c) did not use weight west to not stress my knee too much
did 7 mu instead of 5. 1:16,1:14,1:12

d) done based off 1400cal/h

Jessie Heikenfeld Central East
Jessie Heikenfeld Central East
May 6, 2014 9:46 am

A. HS walk practice. Got 2 10 feet walks. Still working on consistency.
B. 95-100-105-110(f)-115-120-120-125
C. 2:26 (MU 2/2/1), 2:18 (MU 3/2), 2:01 (MU 4/1)
D. Complete based on a 970 pace. Fell off pace on the 50 calories to 940ish.

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