Workout of the Day
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 6.
For time:
50-Calorie Row
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lb)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips
If possible, note splits. That will be extremely important in helping you determine how you will attack this event on game day. This is a different event for most males and females. The ring dips will not slow most males, but females will need to be extremely careful with the ring dips to ensure that they don’t reach failure and lose time staring at the rings.
Second Session – Approximately 3 hours later
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 7.
“2014 Regionals Event 7”
64 Pull-Ups
8 Overhead Squats (205/135 lbs)
CAVEAT…stop your pull-ups if you feel a hot spot or any indication that your hand is at jeopardy of tearing. It is too close to regionals to allow your hands to come apart.
“2014 Regionals Team Event 7”
Male/female pairs move through stations of:
500-meter row,
partner completes 125 double-unders (each)
50 deadlifts (275/185 lb.)
partner holds barbell at the waist
50 toes-to-bars,
partner hangs
“2014 Regionals Team Event 8”
49 Pull-Ups
7 Overhead Squats (185/115 lbs)
Perform individually – males racing males, females racing females.
CAVEAT…stop your pull-ups if you feel a hot spot or any indication that your hand is at jeopardy of tearing. It is too close to regionals to allow your hands to come apart.
B. 17:20
3:15 row, 5:55 bj overs with flipping box, 8:42 deads with moving the bar after each 10, wallballs were a train wreck. Can’t remember splits after that but I think it was 12 something when I got to ring dips. This sucks and will be mg worst workout. It will be the wallballs for me. I know I can improve majorly on this today.
Rested only about 45 mins
D. 2:36
Pu were 36/14/8/6
OHS ub
Learn from today.
A. 9:17 what a forearm pump!
Hands/grip was shot after all those holds, no time for the pullups today.
Excited to rest and eat some good food!
CJ, do you have any suggestions for exercises to improve shoulder strength/endurance needed for HSPU? Or are you going to program that over the next few days?
Steve, CJ might have better suggestions, but I started doing the crossover symmetry program 3 weeks ago. I’ve noticed a tremendous difference in my overall strength and stability of my shoulders, in such a short time. Money well spent. Perhaps look into it?
Good call. I will do that. Thanks Lindsey
For short term, strict handstand push-up work is imperative. Simply put, you probably need to train for the exact movements and events. Longer term I would definitely recommend the Crossover Symmetry, specific triceps development (we’ve worked cycles of stationary dips and even some more isolated triceps exercises) and overhead holds for improved stability.
B) 32 box jumps (382 reps) did the whole wod. 21 min cap.
Pretty sure I did too many deads on round 1
D)waited almost 2 hours then B
5 OHS at 6 min cap. Just gotta stAy right.
How quickly were you through the pull-ups? Is the issue overhead stability with the weight?
Stability for sure! Pull ups in 3:20 ish. Did sets of 6
Hmmm, I am not sure what to tell you buddy. 3:20 is a long time for the pull-ups, but I am assuming you’re doing that because of your concern over the OHS. I would need to be way more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses to give you an exact game plan. I can tell you that the top athletes will be sub-2:00 on this event…which means they will be treating it as a sprint. It may be worth you trying to sprint through the pull-ups as well, and then take an extended rest before cleaning the barbell, setting your… Read more »
Agreed, I can def go way faster on the pull ups. I was conserving energy for the shoulders but time became a factor. I will try doing the pull-ups faster and see if having more time to rest makes a difference
I did the full event 6 yesterday. Did part D only today. 2:55. I broke my pull-ups into 5 sets. 8 ohs unbroken.
My butt and hammies are pretty sore from all those dead lifts. But just sore enough. I’m glad I did the whole thing.
Mike, do you need to break your pull-ups into so many sets? What is the benefit of doing so?
Hi CJ 🙂 I can probably do about 55 pullups straight but I figured my heartrate would get too jacked for the OHS’s? Also, I had grips on to save my hands so it was a bit slippery. Are you suggesting I go until failure?
I am not suggesting that you go to “failure,” but I am suggesting that you see this event as one that top males will finish sub-2:00. If you want to be competitive, you are going to have to take a bigger chance. I suspect that 2:55 is playing it too safe.
CJ, quisiera saber como seguir mi programación ya que finalmente quedé fuera de las 3 mujeres que competirán este fin de semana en el regional latino americano, ¿debo unirme inmediatamente al off season?, espero su respuesta saludos
CJ, I would like to know how to continue my programming as it finally fell out of 3 women will compete this weekend in the Latin American region, should I immediately join the off season?, I hope your answer greetings
Yes, jump into the off-season program. They’re mid-cycle, so adjust some of the percentages down if necessary. A new cycle will start the first week of June, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play with the off-season athletes starting tomorrow.
no time for a double on Sundays. I’m in school from 9am-1pm.
A. done, long general warm up.
B. 9:35. felt ok. box jump overs can be faster. ring dips need some work.
D. 2:08
Good work Joe.
A. Sundays are on a pretty tight schedule. Did a generic warmup and some movement prep. I do know what my warmups will look like on regional days though. B. 12:53 (row: 2:11, jump overs: 2:50, deads: 2:19, wall balls: 2:16, ring dips: 3:17 ( A lot of room for improvement on this. Took about 5-10 seconds after each movement to write down splits.) Rest 45 minutes C. Same as above. Just some light shoulder mobility and movement specific. D. Pull-ups done in 2:11. Finished at 6:37. I hit two overhead squats right off the bar. Then failed. Got frustrated… Read more »
Why don’t you know what you warm-up will look like? You attended an Invictus camp and we went through this stuff. Time to start putting it into practice buddy!
CJ, I think you misread. 🙂 I DO know what they will look like. I just had a rigt schedule today and had to squeeze in a very generic warmup.
Oh good! Sorry, was reading fast and missed that. I thought I had failed you at the camp if you really didn’t know what to do! Glad it was just my reading error. Looking forward to seeing you out there competing. I will be in Jacksonville coaching some kids. Chat with you in a couple of days!
Lance (CFR) – In addition to the caveat about hands: I tore my bicep partially last year on a workout like this in preparation for regionals. It was a good thing Canada West was in the 4th week as it have me some recovery time. I felt intense pain shooting across my bicep but kept going. Then I felt an even more intense stabbing pain with a constant ache running up from my elbow to my shoulder. Couldn’t do pull-ups, T2B, deadlifts hurt, you get the idea. Always warm up properly and listen to your body, especially the week before… Read more »