April 30, 2014 – Regionals Groups 2-4

Workout of the Day
Handstand Walk
Accumulate between 200 and 300 feet in as few attempts as possible.

Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squat (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees

We’re cutting out the rounds of 9 and 6 to save you some of the volume…but I suspect this will still be enough to give you a good feel for how you’ll feel through this event.

If possible, perform this 3-4 hours after part B.

“2014 Regionals Event 5”
Ten rounds for time of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Sprint 200 Feet

NOTE…this is a good first opportunity to test how you will respond to the volume of 10 legless rope climbs. For most males and those females who are proficient with legless rope climbs, you’ll learn from this effort how hard you need to push the runs. For those who are concerned about 10 legless rope climbs, you’ll want to pay attention and note required pacing to ensure consistent rope climbs, and use that pace as a starting point to improve over the next several weeks.

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 20 Double-Unders + Deadlift x 8 reps @ 65-70%
Minute 2 – 20 Double-Unders + Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10-15 unbroken reps
Minute 3 – 20 Double-Unders + 10-12 GHD Sit-Ups

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Sammy D (Aus)
Sammy D (Aus)
May 1, 2014 9:56 pm

A. Done in 6 x 10m intervals
B. 16:58 good feel out wod will be faster over the next two weeks 🙂
C. 9:58 played around with a big kip but found a little one with big bites worked better for me, faster on the day I think!
D. Doing tonight!

David Ivanov
David Ivanov
May 1, 2014 9:24 am

A. Hands are messed up from previous day so will skip these today.
B. 20:07. I’m really bad at strict hspu. Would doing sets of 3 perfect through out the day be good extra volume?
C. 5:06. Paced too much. Could definitely go faster.
D. Had to go to work. No time for D.

Melissa smith
Melissa smith
May 1, 2014 2:31 am

A.Still working hsw… Better than yesterday

B.11:38 this was not AS bad as I was making it to be in my head. I took the SHSPU super slow so I didn’t fail any but I’m so glad I did this. It’s going to be hard… But at least I’m not scared of it lol
Couldn’t do the leg less bc I had to go to a wake 🙁

Jonas Müller
Jonas Müller
May 1, 2014 1:43 am

a) new PR got 120ft straight, turned over & got another 50 ft in one attempt
b) 8:55
c) 4:15, i should go a bit faster on the runs, wanted those climbs without failure
d) unfortunately not enough time, gonna make it this friday morning

Lindsay Vaughan
Lindsay Vaughan
April 30, 2014 11:15 pm

A. Did 120 ft straight then saved my shoulders for HSPU. B. 17:10 used a very small spot for mist of the hspu. These are a weakness of mine and I have just started working them again due to a wrist injury. This workout won’t be my best but I think I can improve quite a bit in the next few weeks. C. 30 minutes later 16:50 We have a 16ft rope and I thought it would be good practice to go higher. Really struggled with the last step from about 6 on. Was taking about 1:10 between climbs at… Read more »

Paulo, Asia
Paulo, Asia
April 30, 2014 11:15 pm

Did a slight change up due to an upcoming competition, needed to get a feel on some of the movements:

EMOM, 12 mins
Minute 1 – 20 ft rope climb x 1
Minute 2 – 5 Burpee Over Barbell + 5 CJs 135/95#
Minute 3- 30 Double Unders

EMOM, 10 mins
Odd: 12 WBs, 9 kg to 12 ft
Even: 10 TTBs

Every 3 mins, FS x 10 reps
165#, 185#, 195#

Ashley Durschmidt
Ashley Durschmidt
April 30, 2014 9:32 pm

A. still working…got a few more steps than yesterday
B. Finished at 12 hspu’s in the round of 15’s….didn’t think I would even get that far!
C. Wasn’t able to do this 3 hours after so just did a few after part B. 3 legless and shoulders were burnt out

Dani Miles (Northwest)
Dani Miles (Northwest)
April 30, 2014 9:24 pm

(All done in one session) B. 25:00 ish? I did about 7 or 8 reps (hspu) in first min, but I didn’t finish 21s until 11:00…..these are SUCH a weakness for me. Figured out at very end, to come down a little quicker and explode up faster…seemed to work better. C. Finished about 7-8 in time cap…..again this body weight stuff is killer for me! (Hoping I can cut a few pounds before comp….every bit will help me) D. Changed up a bit (short on time)…(worked on my butterfly pu) 20 DUs +10 GHD sit up + 20 DU +… Read more »

Raphael Hamad
Raphael Hamad
April 30, 2014 9:07 pm

B 16:58. I messed up and did 18-15-9
1.5h break
A Got a couple attempts at 35-40 ft
C 5:10 that was fun. I think the rope is a little short. Could push more on the sprints.
D Done with DL 225, 10 C2B and 10 GHD SU. Hands are toast but they’ll be fine

Good training day

Grant Piros
Grant Piros
April 30, 2014 8:58 pm

A) felt awesome on these
B) went out to aggressive and burnt out hard on HSPU’s:( round of 21 took around 9 mins. Next time I will do doubles all the way and should be much better
C) felt good, for 7 rounds working on technique for these

Brian Maier(Southwest)
Brian Maier(Southwest)
April 30, 2014 8:20 pm

A) 3×50-60ft
B) 17:43 – HSPU’s were all singles after 1st round. This was ridiculous.
C) 4:45 – definitely can push this faster….i went faster on last 3 runs because the climbs were easier than expected and I had a lot more in the tank.

LP Boudreault (CanadaEast)
LP Boudreault (CanadaEast)
April 30, 2014 7:55 pm

A. 3x70ft
B. 17:00 I can definitively go faster. I thought the FS we’re going to be way harder so my rest was too long. Burpees a little slow
C. 5:08. I think the rope is 13ft
D. Done. 225DL, CTB 15-12-13-14, GHD 12.

David Schroeder (N. West)
David Schroeder (N. West)
April 30, 2014 7:47 pm

B) took me 12 minutes to do the round of 21, disregarded the clock for the rest of the rounds and used a small Kipp to finish. My personal competition will be to see how much I can improve here in the next two weeks

Christopher Martirano
Christopher Martirano
April 30, 2014 7:36 pm

A. Could only do sets of 50 feet because of a class going on at our gym; felt easy doing these and did 5 rounds
B. Ouch 14:20; HSPUs were definitely the slowest part
C. 6:14 ; definitely can improve with an actual measured sprint
D. Done used 315 DL, 10 C2B, 10 GHD

Rhett Chase (So Cal)
Rhett Chase (So Cal)
April 30, 2014 6:46 pm

A. Handstand walk progression
B. 13:20 had to use ab mat
C. 9:05 went easy on run
D. Done. 175# DL (65%), 8 C2B, 10 GHD

Evan Beach
Evan Beach
April 30, 2014 6:45 pm

A. Done – 40 feet is my max. Going to be working on this daily for the next two weeks B. Did 21-15-9-6-3 in 17:12. Shoulders and traps are absolutely exhausted from all the HS walking. Should be able to knock off a few minutes in competition. C. 6:03 – had to do 50 ft shuttle runs, so I think my overall time could improve D. In light of the new workouts, I did the following: EMOM 12: Min 1: 20 DU + 6 DL at 315 Min 2: 20 DU + 10 WB 30 lb Min 3: 20 DU… Read more »

Lindsey Deitsch
Lindsey Deitsch
April 30, 2014 6:24 pm

Well, today was interesting. Turned out to me more of a skill day more than anything.
A. Didn’t practice too much today as HS walk is solid for me
B. Ended up just working on strict hspu. I have yet to get one under my belt. I am 3/4 of an inch away from it. Sooooo close!!! Nichole/CJ – what do you suggest is the best way to nail this (get at least 1) from here until so cal regionals? How should I be practicing?
C. Did my first legless climbs today. I’m excited for this workout! 🙂

Lindsey Deitsch
Lindsey Deitsch
May 1, 2014 8:16 am
Reply to  Cj Martin

Thanks, Cj!! Went into practice some hspu this morning and ended up getting it!! After doing a few negatives, I just decided to try it. Thanks for your help! I’ll keep working them and i’m sure by memorial day weekend, they’ll be even better 🙂

Karen McCadam
Karen McCadam
April 30, 2014 6:21 pm

A. did about 150m (4 attempts)
B. 10:19, did 21-15-6 (forgot the rep scheme)
C. 2 hrs after B: just under 10 mins, my last climb didn’t quite make it to the top. Need to practice these more, really struggled on the last 3.
D. I was really tired so I only did the double unders.

Aaron Beatty
Aaron Beatty
April 30, 2014 6:19 pm

B. 14:02 – Did the full work out
10 min rest
C. 4:57. Loved it!
D. Subbed deads for kb swings & did strict pull-ups. Everything unbroken.

Michael McCabe (Canada East)
Michael McCabe (Canada East)
April 30, 2014 5:42 pm

A. Done. 50ft is getting consistent… need a longer stretch to practice
C. 10 rnds: 1 legless, 25 DU in 6:28 (couldn’t run due to class)
B. 21:20 – HSPU are a BIT of a weakness… hoping only 1 team member has to do this if something similar comes up for team…

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