April 30, 2014 – Regionals Group 1

Workout of the Day
Handstand Walk
Accumulate between 200 and 300 feet in as few attempts as possible.

“2014 Regionals Event 4”
Complete rounds of 21, 15, 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squat (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees

***NOTE – This will be the only time you hit this all the way through before Regionals. On Saturday we will play with a variation that prioritizes all of the handstand push-ups, but that reduces volume of the front squats so that you all recover well and feel fresh and prepared rolling into Friday of Regionals.***

Second Session
Perform this 3-4 hours after part B. If you cannot do so, consider performing this in a separate session on Thursday, doing only this event on Thursday instead of taking an active recovery day.

“2014 Regionals Event 5”
Ten rounds for time of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Sprint 200 Feet

NOTE…this is a good first opportunity to test how you will respond to the volume of 10 legless rope climbs. For most males and those females who are proficient with legless rope climbs, you’ll learn from this effort how hard you need to push the runs. For those who are concerned about 10 legless rope climbs, you’ll want to pay attention and note required pacing to ensure consistent rope climbs, and use that pace as a starting point to improve over the next several weeks.

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Dylan Weller (Canada West)
Dylan Weller (Canada West)
May 1, 2014 7:09 am

A) hit 120feet and then a couple 60m
B) just over 17
C) 5min

Mike Eberts
Mike Eberts
April 30, 2014 9:55 pm

A. Skipped. No time
B. 17:14… HSPU’s are my weakness and it shoes. Oh well. It will be fun regardless. 🙂

Sarabeth Phillips
Sarabeth Phillips
April 30, 2014 8:19 pm

A. Skipped. Not a weakness.
B. 11:30 🙂
C. 7:01 at very easy pace.

Dylan Kelly
Dylan Kelly
April 30, 2014 2:02 pm

A) Done
B) 11:15
C) Will do tomorrow

Cameron Currie
Cameron Currie
April 30, 2014 1:47 pm

A. 157 ft UB/163ft UB=320ft

B. 14:25. Very pleased. I was worried about making it in the time cap. I struggle with strict usually but today, they clicked.

C. Later or tomorrow.

Cameron Currie
Cameron Currie
April 30, 2014 2:21 pm
Reply to  Cameron Currie

Scratch that. Felt good and went after part C: 8:26

Niko Vandevoorde
Niko Vandevoorde
April 30, 2014 1:02 pm

Forgot to post yesterday.
Handstand walks felt good!
Hang snatch Up to 215. Will likely open at 205.
2 rounds of nasty girls – 9 something.
Everything felt good except kip on mu. Participated in the atl NPFL combine this weekend and did 2×40 GHSUs as fast as possible so midline is shot.
Stoked to be invited to the final combine in Vegas!! Thanks for the continued successful programming!

B. 15:33. Tough workout!
Quads were pumped on those f squats after yesterday’s pistols.

Zechariah Townsend (Southeast)
Zechariah Townsend (Southeast)
April 30, 2014 9:57 am

A. Only had enough space to walk in 12yd increments
B. 15:43

Shane McBride (North Central)
Shane McBride (North Central)
April 30, 2014 6:33 am

A. 60,99,87=246ft * Shoulders are cashed
B 17:40 * Slow slow slow had too break up everything way too much.

Paulo, Asia
Paulo, Asia
April 30, 2014 3:39 am

B. 195-205-215F.
C. 9:00… Opened up with 30+ UB pistols for both rounds. MU 7/4-3, HPC 2×5-5
D. 3:46-3:45-3:45
A. HSW progressions. Trying to work progressions fatigued.

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