Workout of the Day
Handstand Walk
Accumulate between 400 and 600 feet in as few attempts as possible. Treat this as deep learning practice. Stop, take time to correct positions and make it as proficient as possible.
Hang Snatch
Build to your desired opening weight, and then perform 3 sets at that opening weight.
Two rounds for time of:
50 Alternating Pistols
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (175/115 lbs)
Three sets for times of:
Row 1000 Meters
Rest exactly 3 minutes
Try to keep all three sets within 10 seconds of each other. Note paces for all 3 sets.
And it begins…training may not be varied or extraordinarily sexy between now and your regional weekend, but you will be well prepared! Don’t add a bunch of work on top of this, we want to be relatively fresh for tomorrow and the weekend so that you’re ready to tackle whatever they announce tomorrow and/or Wednesday.
TEAM ATHLETES – Hit this as well, if the previous few years are any indication, you will have similar movements and events.
A) 400 ft which was a lot!!!
B) 140
C) 7:43
D) skipped
A. Lots of practice! Not very consistent.
B. 135…didn’t try to go heavier, just working on consistency, but felt good.
C. 8:41 (1st round 3:45; all singles for MUs)
D. 3:45.2/ 3:45.7/ 3:45.0
B. 195-205-215F.
C. 9:00… Opened up with 30+ UB pistols for both rounds. MU 7/4-3, HPC 2×5-5
D. 3:46-3:45-3:44
A. HSW progressions
A Done, best sets around 40 ft
B Up to 175 then made 3/5 attempts
C 13:49
D 3:33-3:40-3:43
A.Practicing hsw
B. Hit 150!!!!
C. 9:38 – everything felt great! EXcept the muscleups which were singles and slow :/ I’m afraid to string them together in workouts
Ran thru some workouts for a team comp I’m doing Sunday with two other girls
3 rep max hang power clean
Amrap 10 min of
21 front squats 75#
15 KBS 53#
9 Burpees over barbell
Each girl goes through at a time
A. 3 sets of 120 ft. Then 1x 40 ft. Felt great and easy for 120ft.
B. 62kg I think I can get more comfortable with a heavier weight with a few days of practice.
C. 6:53 Rings are low! Better get used to it. 🙂
A: done
Longest was about 45-50 ft. Need to get more consistent.
B: worked up to 205#
Did 5-6 sets at this weight. Thinking of either starting here or 215# since 205# felt really manageable. We’ll see in the next couple of weeks.
C: 8:14
Left knee was not stable. Collapsed 3-4 times. Did get some valuable info about possible reps.
D: 3:21.7/3:22.2/3:25.9
A. done, only went about 200 feet or so. Shoulders.
B. Worked up to 215. A 10lbs pr. Sweet! I’ve never really went for one in the past.
C. 5:29
D. No time
A. Done (first time testing the hand on this)
B. 145(pr)
C. 8:04 mu are still iffy. I was being cautious
Kelsey and I did three rounds…bought we needed to do the whole thing!
D. Skipped gonna be sore a bit from the pistols….
Even with an injured hand you still kick some major ass Ash!!
Thanks! You killed this!!!
A) unbroken sets of 50-60/one set of 89!
B) built to 225 no misses, was under 235 twice but playing with some technique which I hope pays off
C) 5:51- feel good about this one
D) 3:38/ 3:33
A. 400 something feet total. 7 attempts. Went about 70 feet per attempt
B. worked up to 205 got it but hit 185 three times
C. 7:44 for two rounds 3:33 for first
D. 3:36; 3:44; 3:44
A. Need work!!
B. 125
C. 9:28
D. 4:00/4:00/4:00
A. Really need to work on these…major weakness. Any tips besides practice?
B. 4×110#
C. 11:36 – MU getting better (5/2, 4/1/2)
D. 4:12, 4:10, 4:11
A. Done in 50ft increments
B. 205 (pr)
C. 11:49. Pistols destroyed me
D. All about 3:30
A. Had to do it in 50ft increments because of space…did each one unbroken though
B. #195, tried one at 205 but missed
C. 7:20
D. 3:29, 3:35,3:40
A. Done 30-70ft. at a time
B. 205# felt great
C. 6:25 UB nice easy pace
D. 3:38, 3:40, 3:40 legs!
Today was fun!
A. Got 30-40 feet semi consistently
B. Worked up to 185. Traps and shoulders were smoked from HS walking. I can definitely hit 215-225 on this when fresh.
C. 7:15 (MU UB, Cleans UB on first round, then 6/4, pistols slowed down on R2)
D. 3:22.3, 3:21.6, 3:23.3
A) easily done 400 in sets of 50′
B) 205#
C) 9:50
D) 3:35 only had time for 1×1000
A. Did 5 & made it to 322ft.
B. 185
C. 6:22. I wanted to do 3 rounds!
D. Ran 2 miles. 6:50 miles.
A. Walks 30-40 feet
B. 185×3, felt pretty good
C. 7:28, pistols slow
D. 3:27, 3:27, 3:29