Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, climbing the ladder:
5 Burpees Over the Barbell
Clean & Jerk
*Males – Start at 225 lbs and increase by 10 lbs on the minute.
*Females – Start at 155 lbs and increase by 5 lbs on the minute.
For max reps:
30 seconds of Ground to Overhead (225/145 lbs)
90 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Ground to Overhead (205/135 lbs)
90 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Ground to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
90 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Ground to Overhead (165/116 lbs)
90 seconds of Rest
For time:
50 Back squats (135/95 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (135/95 lbs)
50 Front squats (85/65 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (85/65 lbs)
50 Overhead squats (65/45 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (65/45 lbs)
Five sets of:
400 Meter Run @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes
(Ideally, this is performed 3-4 hours after your gym training session.)
Three rounds for time, congo line style of:
6/3 Muscle-Ups
12 Alternating Pistols
18 Burpees to a 4″ Platform
Perform as a complete team of six.
Every 90 seconds, until all team members have been eliminated:
Clean + Jerk
Weights start at 205 for males and increase by 10 lbs each 90 seconds; females start at 135 and increase by 5 lbs every 90 seconds. All teammates must hit their Clean & Jerk within the 90 second window. If a team member fails to do so, they are eliminated from future sets. Tally numbers as follows: MMM = 305, 305, 285 = 895, FFF = 200, 195, 180 = 575.
Guys (MMM) versus Gals (FFF) – Congo-Line Style
Rounds of 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 rep for time of:
15′ Rope Climbs
225/145 lb Ground to Overhead
(Teammate B can start on Rope Climb once Teammate A reaches the barbell. Teammate A may start his/her round of 4 reps only once the last team members has completed his/her 5 GTO.)
Followed immediately by . . .
Rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps of:
315/225 lb Deadlift
6″/4″ Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
Post two scores…time to complete the rope climbs/GTO, and then total time.
1) Did a team snatch and clean&jerk ladder with handstand walks and DU’s. Got 140 and 190.
2) Did C.
Cody, Alanna and I took 16:something to do the first part, 25:00 total minutes to finish the deads and HSPU.
Been on holidays in Bali for the Easter long weekend, did some fun stuff at the hotel gym variations of what have been the daily programming. Feeling fresh!
A. 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5, 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5, 90, 92.5 fail.. Made the lift just didn’t get it in the time bracket.
B. 6,7,8,9 triple touch and goes on the first set, 2s and a 1 on the second set, touch and go 3rd and 4th.
C. 19:46
D. Giving it a crack this arvo when it’s cooler.
A. 70/72.5/75/77.5/80/82.5 (f)
B. 4/5/6/7 last 3 sets were touch and go
C. 19:50 rx
D. Slight family emergency so couldn’t make it back for an evening session.
A. 275
B. 4, 5, 7, 8
C. 25:29 fell apart here.
A. 190#
B. 6/6/7/8
C. 18:42 PR, got 36 OHS in 22min last time
Cygnus Crossfit (Latin America) A) 24:24 B) MMM 255-265-275 = 795 FFF 145 150 165 = 460 C) Put a 25 min cap on both of these as they are not easy for our team. One of our girls got hurt in the first part so she didn’t do part C. Guys @25 min third member finished 2 got of round of 3 then we finished the second part at min 46 (21 min) Girls @25 1st girl got 1 gto of the round of 3 and the second girl finished the 3 rope climbs of that same round. For… Read more »
Morning session 9am, did the off-season running with a partner
A) got to 285, in comp would have pushed for 295
B) 5@225, 6@205, 7@185, 8@165
C) 20:26, in 2012 I only got 20ovh squats done in the 22min time cap, pumped about this
CrossFit 808 Plan B
A. 11:34 (with only 5 athletes: 2 girls, 3 guys)
B. Girls: 160+165+180; Boys: 265+285+295
C. Girls: 44:19 (split 23:11); Boys 55:00 (split 35:28)
*We did the wait till all 3 athletes were done with 15’s to move onto the 12’s (and same for the 9’s) for the Deadlift/HSPU.
Team CrossFit 808
A. 13:11
B. Girls: 190+225+230; Boys: 285+295+305
Girls: 25:35 (split 12:38 with 155 GTO)
Boys: 26:18 (split 13:42)
*We did the wait till all 3 athletes were done with 15’s to move onto the 12’s (and same for the 9’s) for the Deadlift/HSPU. Hope that was what we were supposed to do! Fun day! Thanks for the awesome Team Workouts!
Those women’s numbers are ridiculous. I love it!
A. Nailed 275 then failed @ 285
B. 5,5,7,8
C. Felt good but timer got screwed up on my phone. I know I was done with the second set of Pull-up around 9min. so I figure at least 2-3min faster than last years time of 19:40 done on 2/9/13
D. Popped a structure fire so no running for me today.
Team workout, this was fun again!
A Done
B 235 (4 lbs PR) MMM 235 + 265 + 295 = 795
C Done in total at 50:00. Did only cleans for the G2OH at 225, Did 275 for the first set of 15 deadlifts because I thought 315 wouldn’t go up and did 315 for 12-9 without much issue.
A. worked form and technique at 135. Jerks have been feeling off lately. Need to go back to the basics. Very frustrating.
B. 2/3/4/7
C. 27:13. Pull ups were limiting factor. Lost my butterfly during the last set of 40.
D. Did 4X400M runs a few hours later. 1:30-1:35 consistently on all runs. Rough!
A. Failed jerk at 255
B. 4, 6, 6, 7
C. 20:21
A. 190 c&j, 195 clean (failed jerk)
B. 5/7/7/8
C. 20:00 exactly (liked this, but had hard time finding rhythm on pull-ups today)
*oly lift clinic today (2 hrs post workout); snatch work and a little more clean work
Hit a hard double yesterday—-so today was a fight.
A. Done up to 275, failed 285
B. 8-8-6-6
C. 23:13 definitely need to eat more and recover/sleep better
A. Done up to 295.
B. 5-6-6-8
C. 19:24. Last year around this time I hit 20:56 I think. Ripped my hands up pretty good on the last 10 pull-ups. :-/
D. No time this evening. Hopefully early tomorrow morning.
Worked at the hospital last night so woke up this afternoon feeling like death. Only 3 more nights and I’m off nights hopefully for good!! So today was a victory just to make it to the gym (by myself might I add) and get the work completed. A. Up to 190# this got hard and heavy fast. Legs were weak out of the hole. If I had more time could have gotten more. Love on the minute ladders when your backs against the wall, and you have to just perform!!! B. 6, 7, 8, 9 C. 22:02 no pr and… Read more »
Getting off of nights will be the best thing you ever do for your health and fitness! Awesome to see you posting here Sarabeth! Finish strong on your last three nights!
Thanks CJ! I can’t wait to be done and see the progress then. Loving this programming and all!
A. Skipped due to time.
B. Started at 185, up to 265, 275F jerk
C. Did as a Congo line of four (that’s all we had today)
Never done 15 rope climbs – they felt great.
Also never power clean immediately push jerk 225 before – stoked about that.
Things are clicking!
Brian Fogarty (Northwest)
A. Started at women’s weight 155# and went up by 10# each round. Got through 205# and failed at 215#. My 1RM is 225#. I do not think it is accurate, I think it is 235# or 245#, but perhaps not. Work to do.
B. 1 at 225#
3 at 205#
5 at 185#
7 at 165#
C. 26:50. Way harder than I thought it would be. Pullups slowed me significantly.
D. No time, unfortunately.
Have a great holiday weekend, Invictus!