Workout of the Day
Three sets not for time of:
Ring Dips x Max Reps
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 10-12 reps
For time:
10 Deadlifts (275/185 lb.)
20 Pull-Ups
30 Box Jumps (24/20″)
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
50 Double-Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
30 Box Jumps (24/20″)
20 Pull-Ups
10 Deadlifts (275/185 lb.)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
15′ Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
C. Rope burn
A. Done
C. 10 climbs EMOM
M/41 yrs So Cal
A. Done, ring dips 25, 25, 25
B. 9:47, I subbed Chest to Bar. I took the box jumps a little slower to save my plantar faciitis.
C. Didn’t get a chance.
Jason Fine, 44, Southwest, 175#, 5’6
A. Dips, 20, 25, 23
B. 11:57
C. Done
A. Dips 7/7/7. UB DU 3×50. 3x12ttb
B. 8:54
C. 1 rope climb EMOM for 10 min
Pressed for time at the globo right after work, so I squeezed in what I could.
A: no dips (time) warmed up deads instead with DUs and T2B Rx
B: 12:29 grip and gassed, pullups not what I expect of myself
C: no time, globo flashed the lights on me
B. 10:52- deads were singles and too slow
C. last 5 min did 2xmin
A. 21, 18, 18
B. 11:31
C. 2×10 ROUNDS :27 – :35 Seconds
A: done
B: 7:33
C: done
A. 22, 15, 12
B. 10:18
C. done 2 /min
A. ring dips with thinnest band
B. 14:35, 135#, thin band for pull ups
C. Done, 1 climb per min.
A. Dips 15/17/17
Du 3×50
T2b 3×10
B. 8:16
C. 1x EMOM (last 2 climbs leg less ) holy forearms !!!
A. Dips 24-20-20
B. 8:55
C. Missed
Scott 40-44
A. Done
B. 11:45 only PU unbroken, box jumps step up jump down
C. No rope so did 10 min. Odd min 10 HSPU, even min. 10 C2B
A- done. 13,15,18
B- 9:53. Grip killer!
C- done. 2 in final min
Brandon 45-49
A. 15,14,13 dips, 50/50/50 DU 12/12/12 T2B
B. 10:47 ended up doing step downs on the box and felt really slow. I get a little sketched with Deads and bj in the same wod at 48 years old.
C. 7 rounds x 2. 3 rounds x 1. 17 total in 10 min. Grip is shot!
A. Done
B. 8:53. Only did the 150 kb yesterday so grip was on fire!
C. Done, every 30 seconds for the first few minutes.
A. Ring dips 6,7,7
B. 9:54
C. 2 under 30 seconds for 10 min
A. Ring dips: 13, 10, 8
Du’s: 30 (X3) Felt my cakes
T2b: 12 (X3)
B. 9:55 (Russian swings)
C. Skipped
W 53
A. Done
B, 15.33
C. 8 ropes clim on 10 minutes. min.1-2-3, min 5-6-7 and 9-10
Oh CJ your are on fire today