Workout of the Day
Three sets for time of:
15′ Rope Climbs x 3 ascents
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Alternating Pistols x 20 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
“Last Man Standing”
On the minute, every minute, perform the following – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the next minute interval):
Push Press x 1 rep
(start at 135/85 lb and add 10 lb. every minute)
Front Squat x 1 rep
(start with the weight you finished with on the push press, add 10 lb. every minute)
Picking up on the one minute segment that you would have been starting your next round of front squats…
20 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lb) on the minute, every minute, for up to 7 minutes.
(If you make all 7 sets, terminate this portion of the workout and move on.)
(If you cannot complete all 20 shots within the designated minute, this portion of the workout is over . . . move on to the next phase of the workout.)
Picking up on the minute you would have been starting your next set of wall ball shots…
7/4 Muscle-Ups on the minute, every minute, for a maximum of 7 minutes.
(If you cannot complete all 7/4 MUs within the designated minute, your workout is over.)
The overall goal is to keep working for as long as possible…to be the last man/woman standing.
Two sets of:
Row 1000 Meters
Rest exactly 2 minutes
Goal is fastest combined time, so post as follows: 3:22 + 3:33 = 6:55
Upcoming Schedule
– The results of the survey regarding training schedule were pretty overwhelmingly in favor of training Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the approach to Regionals. That will be the template from which we work, and I will do my best to create some good modifications/suggestions for the handful of you that are unable to train on Sundays.
A) Done
B) 255 – 365PR! – 4+17 – 1+6 (2 fails)
C) 3:28 + 3:30 = 6:58
Did on Monday 4/14 because I have to take Wednesdays off.
PP: Worked up to 155lbs and called it good. 5lbs below my PR.
FS: Worked up to 235lbs – 5lbs PR!! And my legs/glutes were very sore from Sat and Sun.
WB: Used a 16lb ball at a 10′ target. Only made it to round three as EMOM. Then did the last four as one minute on, one off. Could get the 20 done in 40 seconds but I was winded.
MUs: 2/2 the whole time. Did fail one.
A. Done… Did them fast and had to be creative for the rope climbs
B. 225/345 (PR!)/6+15/0+6
C. Rowed 1k nice and easy. I was smoked after 135 – 30lbs wallballs!
Traveled to Montgomery, Alabama for a wedding.. Did a local Crossfit gyms wod…
1 RFT:
500m Row
Rest 1 min
400m Run
20 kNees to elbow
40 thrusters (35)
60 kb swings (35)
400m Run
A. 2:46, 2:32, 2:17 all with 2 min. break. Focused on good form for pistols.
B. push press 275, front squat 385, 3+17 on wall balls 25 lbs., 3+3 on mu’s
C. 3:18 + 3:27= 6:45 for my 1000m row
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday
A: 2:12/ 2:08/ 1:51 Replaced the ropeclimbing with 6m of monkeybar (due to no rope)
B: Pushpress: Failed at 60kg (started at 35kg)
Frontsquat: Failed at 85kg
Wallballs: Failed at round three
MU: failed at the first round
C: 3.58 + 3.59 = 7.17
Today I had absolutely no energy, and everything felt painful !
1:37, 1:41, 2:03
Push Press x 1 rep: 95kg-209 lb.. No misses.. till 100kg then it just turned into an attempted haha
Front Squat x 1 rep: 95/100/105/110kg failed 115.. not feeling the love on these today
6 rds plus 10 wall balls
Went Bar MU rings were occupied by class.. thought it was 3 reps.. so technically was knocked out rd 1.
Two sets of: 3:39, 3:42= 7:21
B. 245# PP, 325# FS, 3 rounds WBs 9kg to 12 feet, 2 rounds MUs
A. 3:15 (slow on pistols), 2:15, 2:05
C. 3:41+3:53 = 7:34
Didn’t include reps for incomplete rounds.
A. 2:21 hit a bench 2x on DU before I realized it was in the way…
B. Push press 40kg/45/50/55/60/65 failed 2x
Front squat 65kg/70/75/80/85 failed
Wall balls 3 rounds made 4th round 1:27
Muscle ups 7 rounds of 4
Total time= 23 minutes with extra minute to complete 4th set of wall balls
C. 3:46/3:51 = 7:37 total
still so sore from deadlifts!
A. 2:08/2:06/2:08
B. 235/335/2+12:( / 5+6
C. 3:41+ 3:45 = 7:26
Lol, nice sad face
A) 2:08, 2:14, 2:22
B) 155//215/2+10/all 7
C) 4:19/4:19
A. 1:16/1:20/1:14
B. 245/335/5+10/3+4
C. 7:02. 3:32/3:30
South East
A. Done
B. Push press: 275 (ran out of power of the long duration)
Front squat: 405(this felt beautiful)
Wall balls: All 7 rounds finished. (140)
Muscle up: 2 rounds + 4 (18)
Rest 2 hours then :
C. 3:13-3:20 (6:33)
A. 1:21, 1:21, 1:23. No rope climbs
B. 255 PP, 355 front squat. Finished all wall balls with 20#. No rings for muscle ups
C. 3:16, 3:28. 6:44 total
A. Done, no rope available
B. 155#/215#/6rds wall ball/ 3+3mu
C. 4:00/4:01
A. 2:16; 2:09; 1:59
B. 205 push press; 265 front squat; 35 WB total; 18 MU total.
C. 3:43 + 3:50 = 7:33
Is anybody training on Long Island, NY????
yes, Melissa. CrossFit 516 in Mineola.
Torrey Dallas from Finish Strong Cf:
Push Press: 295# 20lb Pr
Front Squat: 395#
Wall balls: 30lb ball 4 complete rounds +15reps
Muscle ups: 2 complete rounds + 6reps
Row 1: 3:19 Row 2: 3:44 combined: 7:03
A. 3:15,2:48,2:52
B. pp 215 failed 225
Fs 295 failed 305
5rd +11 30lb ball 10″
1rd + 6 mu
C. 3:23+ 3:25 = 6:48
A. Done. Did legless rope climbs
B. 255 & 355. 5+15. 7+6
C. 3:40, 3:42