Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes for a total of 12 minutes (6 sets) complete:
15′ Rope Climb x 2 ascents
4 Squat Cleans (225/135 lbs)
Three sets for times of:
100 Double-Unders
20 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets for times of:
15 Toes to Bar
10 Axle Shoulder to Overhead (160/100 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for times:
45′ Walking Lunges with 160/100 lb Axle
Rest 60 seconds
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A- Complete
B- 2:00/2:26/2:50 All HSPU’s kipping and tough! Broke 3+ times every round
C- Didn’t mark times. Broke the last set of S2OH 5-5. Mostly Jerks with some presses
D- :20/:21/:21 These felt way too easy… I’m sure my glutes will be telling me something different in a couple of days, haha.
Getting through the HSPU’s will be interesting at regionals 🙂
Got through rounds 1, 2, skipped 3, did 4 and 5. Missed 6
2:48, 3:44, 4:04. Went back to doing these on a mat and took time to relearn.
Used reg bar went at 160. 1:10 ub, 1:09 ub, 1:31 broke S2OH 5-5.
Used reg bar as we didn’t have a fat bar. 0:42, 0:37, 0:36
A- Completed all rounds under 2min
B- 1:45/1:47/2:07 All DU’s around a minute
HSPU’s Strict in 1st round/Kipping in 2,3
C- :58/1:00/:57 Felt good, All push presses
D- :39/:32/:28 These felt way better this week
A) Couldn’t do every round within the two minutes so I went as far as I could in 12 minutes: 4 rounds + 3 reps. (finished the 4th round at 9:47….don’t think I’ll finish this wod within the time cap…the women this weekend were incredible!!!!) B) Well this was a disaster. I tried doing the HSPU following Games standard meaning I ditched the abmat and two plates and used a small mat and it took me forever to figure out where to put my hands. I’m glad I did this now and not waited until the Regional. Needless to say,… Read more »
We are one day behind. We are using a Fat bar on Wed so will have to mix things up a bit. Will try the push press, lunges then. Congrats on all the amazing results this weekend CJ!!!
First workout I have been able to complete without stopping due to the tear in my bicep. Awesome. Confidence is coming back. Did the first two parts of this workout with the one and only Drew Jackson. A. Kept under the 2 minute pace for the first 4 rounds. Hit a wall on the cleans in the 5th and went way over time on the 6th. Finished the workout though. Rope climbs were good, the cleans were heavy but felt solid. Concentrated on the shrug and hips rather than pulling with my arms. B. Total time with rests: 15:30. Read… Read more »
Same. Hope to be getting our fat bar tomorrow. fingers crossed.
Same… will do tomorrow
Our gym is closed today so I did 20 min of recovery rowing and some mobility work / stretching.
Will do today’s workout tomorrow.