Workout of the Day**
Three sets, not for time, of:
15′ Rope Climb x 2 reps
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Regionals Event 2
7 Minute Ladder of:
3 Overhead Squats
Start at your anticipated starting weight.
Rest exactly 2 minutes, and when running clock hits 9:00, perform the following . . .
Regionals Event 3
For time:
30 Burpee Muscle-Ups
Rest until fully recovered, and then . . .
Regionals Event 1
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45 lb Barbell)
30 Pull-Ups
**This will be a competition simulation weekend. You will be tackling the actual competition events, or variations of those events. If you have the opportunity to perform them in order with approximately 4 hours of rest between events, please do so. If you can only train once per day, please follow the template listed above.**
Did burpee muscle ups before OHS. Did 3 burpee muscle ups with 1 minute rest between sets for 7 minutes. OHS I only gave myself two sets. Trying to simulate the team version of workouts 2 and 3. Did 5 rounds of Burpee muscle ups. Hit 205 for OHS.
6:27… still 5 seconds off of PR
Jackie 5:36.
4 hour break
3 rep OHS 225/235/ 245(f)
Rest 2 min.
30 Burpee Muscle Ups 6:58
Close call here
A. Done
B. 225 x 3, 235 x 2
Starting doing MU’s @ 7:00 on accident, only got 24 in the next 7 min
C. Skipped.
A) Jackie 5:51
4 hours later
B) 215. Shaky third.
C) 6:40
A. Complete
B. “Jackie” – 5:34 Need to speed up the Thrusters a bit
4 hour Break
C. OHS Ladder – 255# Took a risk and Opened at 255# (PR) Failed 265#
Rest 2 Minutes
D. 30 Burpee Muscle Ups – 5:27
5:34 26 sec PR and 37 sec better than last week.
Team CFM is doing events 2-5 tomorrow then 6-7 on sunday
A. check
B. opened at 185, never got it three times. failed halfway into the third rep twice. sad as it is, it’s actually coming along
C. 5: 26 fairly steady pace throughout, except for missing one muscle up
I got a question for anyone on the overheads. You opened at 185 here David, will you get partial credit for the 185 or do you have to have a successful three rep weight before you get awarded partial credit?
No you do not receive partial credit if you don’t successfully complete your opening weight. My question is this, do you get cut from the competition if you do not successfully complete your starting weight??