Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Accumulate 90 seconds in this position, moving around to increase ankle mobility and t-spine mobility
Foam Roll Lats x 60 seconds per side
Foam Roll IT Bands x 60 seconds per side
Front Rack Partner Assisted Rack Stretch x 3-5 pulses per side
Two sets of:
Glute Activation Warm-Up (20 seconds on rig/10 seconds off rig x 3 sets per side)
Side Plank Hold x 30 seconds per side (add leg raises to make it more challenging)
Banded Squats x 10 reps
Six sets of:
4 Front Squats @ 65-70%
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Posterior Chain Accessory
Three sets of:
Single Leg Posted Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps per side @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Face Pulls x 15 reps (focus on contracting the upper back as you pull)
Rest 45 seconds
Four rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
15 Deadlifts
5 Rope Climbs
35-54: 185/135 lbs
55+: 155/105 lbs
Time cap: 22:00
5 Minutes easy Jog or Walk and mix in these stretches as you bring your heartrate down:
60-90 seconds –Band Double Pec Stretch
45-60 seconds each side – Half Kneeling Arm Across Shoulder Stretch
45-60 seconds of Seated Split Hamstrings
General Notes:
Front Squat
If you’ve been following the progressions regularly then you will have been doing some ‘unconventional’ front squats in the form of heavy squat cleans. 🙂 This week and next we have you doing some classic front squat sets which will be a good lead into our next off season cycle squat progressions. Then you’ll do some posterior chain work to get the entire back warmed up and ready for a fun conditioning piece.
Run, deads and rope today!! Be calm on your run (try to run the first 400 meters with nasal breathing only). I’d like you to run right to your deadlifts. For some of you unbroken on these will be the way to go. For others, that might jack your heart rate up too much so you may want to do something like 8/7 or 5/5/5. Just keep the rest short. Like, drop the bar and then shins and hands right back on the bar. The rope climbs are where you’ll want to be measured with your pace. If you go out too hot you’ll crash and burn on these ropes! So give yourself a quick break after each climb and focus on good technique. Here are a few videos on how to maximize your rope climb technique:
Rope Climb Foot Hold Tutorial
Rope Climb Mount
Rope Pinch to Stand
0:00-15:00 – Warm-Up
15:00-27:00 – Front Squat
27:00-30:00 – Transition
30:00-45:00 – Posterior Chain Work
45:00-50:00 -Transition
50:00-72:00 – Conditioning
75:00-85:00 – Cooldown