Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Perform 60-90 seconds in each of the following mobility pieces:
–Band Assisted Ankle Pulse (each side)
–Tricep Stretch
–Medball Thoracic Opener
Followed by…
Three rounds of:
10 Lateral Monster Walk Steps (left and right)
15 Bodyweight Hip Bridges
20 Banded Good Mornings
Followed by…
Three sets of:
5 Clean Grip High Hang High Pulls
5 Mid Hang Muscle Cleans
5 Low Hang Power Cleans
5 Box Jumps (step down)
Rest as needed
*Empty barbell up to 95/65lbs.
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean
*Start at 60-65% of your 1RM Clean and build to today’s heaviest set.
Ten sets of:
3 Back Squats @ 75-80%
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Partner Option:
For time:
60 Double Dumbbell Snatches (50/35lbs)
20 Synchronized Burpee Pull-Ups
60 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35lbs to 24/20″)
20 Synchronized Burpee Pull-Ups
60 Dumbbell Squats (50/35lbs)
20 Synchronized Burpee Pull-Ups
60 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
*Split all non synchronized reps however.
Individual Option:
For time:
30 Double Dumbbell Snatches (50/35lbs)
20 Burpee Pull-Ups
30 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35lbs to 24/20″)
20 Burpee Pull-Ups
30 Dumbbell Squats (50/35lbs)
20 Burpee Pull-Ups
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35lbs)
Three sets of:
15 Banded Sumo Deadlifts @ 45-55% + 25% Band Tension
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Athlete Training Notes
The final workout of the week is going to be a fun partner chipper so grab your buddy and work through this one together splitting all of the non synchronized reps however you need to. Make sure you’re synced up at the top of the pull-up on those burpee pull-ups. If you’re running through this one individually then your goal is 2-3 sets on all the dumbbell movements (or less) and then a consistent pace on the burpee pull-ups, one every 4-6 seconds is ideal. Remember, losing 1 extra second per burpee pull-up translates over to 60 seconds in the workout. Does it really matter on a random Saturday in July? No. Does it make a difference learning how to pace this for down the road? Yes. Keep track of your paces and keep track of the little things so that you can use them to help your progress later on.
Your content is consistently excellent.
A. Built to 120
B. 160
C. 20:47, used 35lb DB