Avoid Costly Penalties in CrossFit Individual Quarterfinals With The Invictus Checklists

QF workout checklists

Avoid Costly Penalties in Individual and Age Group Individual Quarterfinals With These Checklists 
Written by Kelly Sekulovski and Chandler Smith 

Individual and Age Group Quarterfinals are upon us, and athletes are squeezing four workouts into one jam packed weekend. The last thing you want to happen is to have a costly penalty hurt your score because you didn’t read the workout descriptions closely enough. 

To help avoid any issues during the workouts, we asked the Head of Checklists himself, Mr. Chandler Smith, to help us create checklists for each workout reviewing what you can do, what you can’t do, and what you need. 

Here is what he came up with. 

Individual Quarterfinals Workout 1 

4 rounds for max reps of: 

1 minute of snatches (135/85) 

1 minute of rowing for calories 

1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups 

1 minute of rest 

Official scorecard and rules here. 

2024 Individual quarterfinals workout 1 checklist

Individual Quarterfinals Workout 2 

3 rounds for time of: 

50 wall-ball shots (20/14 wallball, 10 foot target/9 foot target) 

50 lateral burpee box jump-overs (24 inch box/20 inch box)

Time cap: 20 minutes 

Official scorecard and rules here. 

2024 Individual quarterfinals workout 2 checklist

Individual Quarterfinals Workout 3 

For time: 

3 rounds: 

10 handstand push-ups 

20 toes-to-bar 


2 rounds: 

10 strict handstand push-ups 

5 rope climbs, 15 feet 


1 round: 

10 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups 

20 muscle-ups 

Time cap: 15 minutes 

Official scorecard and rules here. 

2024 Individual Quarterfinals Workout 3

Individual Quarterfinals Workout 4 

With a continually running clock, complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 

10 clean and jerks (135/85) 

Rest 1 minute 

10 clean and jerks (185/125) 

Rest 1 minute 

10 clean and jerks (225/155) 

Rest 1 minute 

Max reps clean and jerk in time remaining (245/165) 

Official scorecard and rules here. 

2024 Individual Quarterfinals Workout 4

Want more resources for CrossFit quarterfinals? 

Download the FREE Invictus Quarterfinals and AGOQ Checklist so you can be as prepared as possible to attack the weekend!

For more in depth tips, and tricks from CrossFit Games athletes like Chandler Smith, Sam Dancer, Joshua Al-Chamaa, and more- join Invictus Athlete or Invictus Masters and download the “How to Tackle Quarterfinals Guide” exclusively available for Invictus athletes.

Bonus: you can save 25% off on Invictus Athlete and Invictus Masters during quarterfinals with code “INVQF25”. Don’t wait, join the Invictus Family today!

Quarterfinals 2024 offer

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