Olympic Weightlifting Tip: Pulling the Bar Back
Written by Jared Enderton
Do you struggle with pulling the bar back into your body during snatches and cleans? This is a common problem with weightlifters who are pulling straight off of the ground, therefore having to meet the barbell with their hips versus pulling the barbell back into your hips.
Why should I pull the bar back during olympic weightlifting?
Making contact with your hips is a very important part of every Olympic lift. It transfers your force from your legs and hips to the barbell. To make that contact without chasing the barbell forward, you will need to pull the bar back into your hips.
How do I pull the bar back?
Check out this video of Invictus Weightlifting Coach Travis Enderton demonstrating how to effectively pull the bar back into your hips so you can lift as much weight as possible!
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