December 26, 2023 – Invictus Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Assisted Pec Stretch x 60 Seconds per side

One set of:
“Banded Pushing Warm-up”
Palloff hold x 30 seconds per side
Banded Press x 10 reps high, 10 reps chest level, 10 reps towards floor
Banded Tricep Extensions x 10 reps
Lat Press-Down x 10 reps

Two sets of:
200 Meter Jog or 150 Meter Row (nasal breathing only)
Piked Handstand Push-up x 10 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps

Every 90 seconds, for 13:30 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps x 12 reps each leg (unweighted; try to jump 1-2″ off the floor or be as explosive on the way up as possible)
Station 2 – Alternating Single-Arm Banded Pull Downs x 20 reps total
Station 3 – Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 10 reps each @ 20X1

Four rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
Run 400 Meters
20/15 Calories of Assault/Echo Bike
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (24/20″)

35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs

No Equipment Version:
Four rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
20 Burpees

General Training Note: We know that many of you will be with family and friends today celebrating the holiday. If you feel like moving a bit then we are providing a session that has a non-equipment version of the conditioning piece. Try to talk some new ones into joining you AND if you decide to skip today that is totally fine (we know many gyms are closed today as well). Enjoy the rest day as we head into de-load week two!

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