Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Three sets of:
1-2 Minutes Assault or Echo Bike @ 50-60% effort
30 Second Single Arm Overhead Hold each arm
30 Second Supinated Grip Hang from Pull Up Bar
and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up Series (10-12 reps each)
Three sets of:
5-8 Push Ups
30 Second Front Leaning Rest
4-6 Pronated Grip Strict Pull Ups (add a band if needed)
10 Single Arm Ring Rows
Handstand Walk Skills & Drills
Three sets of:
Shoulder Supported Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Rest as needed
and then …
In 3 minutes, accumulate as many freestanding handstand marches as possible:
Volume Accumulation:
Against a 2 minute running clock, complete the following:
12/10 Calorie Echo bike
Max Distance Handstand Walk
Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR sets
Against a 2 minute running clock, complete the following:
12/10 Calorie Echo bike
Max Distance Wall Walks
Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR sets
For the purpose of this session, please substitute with wall walks OR plank transitions if you don’t have handstand walks
Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets) for times:
1000 Meter Concept 2 Bike Erg OR 500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
500 Meter Concept 2 Ski Erg or 500 Meter Row
Rope Climbs (see division standards below)
35-49: 2 Legless Rope Climbs
50-54: 1 Legless Rope Climb
55-59: 2 Rope Climbs
60+: 1 Rope Climb
Scaling Options for Legless / Rope Climbs
3 Strict Pull-Ups for every Legless Rope Climb
2 Strict Pull-Ups for every Rope Climb
3 Rope Walks for every Legless / Regular Rope Climb
Three sets of:
10-12 Skull Crushers
Rest 30 seconds
15 Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Rest 60 seconds
General Training Notes:
A little less volume today as you’ll get some good volume in tomorrow. 🙂 Handstand walk skill work and then a fun max distance / max rep volume accumulation. If you are really strong with handstand walking then start with a handstand pirrouette and then go into your handstand walk.
The conditioning piece is designed to target aerobic capacity and pair in a higher skill gymnastics movement. The format for todays workout allows you to only focus on rope climb technique since the movement is paired with all monostructural work. The goal is to have at least 60 seconds of rest. If you don’t believe you’ll get at least 60 seconds of rest, please perform this session every 9 minutes, for 36 minutes instead; or adjust the distances to ensure at least 60 seconds of rest between sets.
Please film if you struggle with rope climbing efficiency. Please check out this article and video that goes over hand over hand vs kipping on legless rope climbs.
andthis article that discusses some basic techniques for a strong rope climb. (if you struggle with rope climbs then you may elect to perform one of the drills from this article in todays workout)