Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Two sets of:
60 Second Bike
50 Foot Bodyweight Walking Lunge
25 Banded Good Mornings
15 Jumping Air Squats
Followed by…
Five reps of:
Medball Broad Jump to Triple Extension Throw
Rest 20-30 seconds between reps
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heavy…
Snatch x 1.1 reps from medium blocks
*Set the block height to where the bar sits at mid patella.
*Rest 5-10 seconds between singles.
*If you do not have blocks, then perform this as a hang snatch from mid patella.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 68%
Against a 3 minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs to 10′)
15 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts (70/50lbs)
100 Foot Farmer Carry (70/50lbs – 25 Foot Increments)
Max Calorie Echo/Assault Bike in the remaining time
Rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of FIVE sets
**If strength is your primary need right now then substitute today’s metcon for the strength accessory option in the additional sessions.
Four sets of:
50 Foot HEAVY Walking Lunge (Farmer Hold)
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Three rounds of:
100 Flutter Kicks
100 Russian Twist
60 Second Elbow Plank Hold
Athlete Training Notes:
Unbroken wall balls, push the pace on the burpee deadlifts, unbroken and quick on the farmer carry, hammer the row, recover in 90 seconds. Simple enough! These 2:1 work:rest workouts are meant to hurt so let’s push past that comfort zone a little bit here. Go one rep further on the wall balls, push a little harder on the dumbbells, pull a little harder on the row and then see where the wheels fall off for you. If you’re getting the same calories in round 5 that you got in round 1, then you didn’t approach this training piece correctly, or you’re just freakishly fit which is ok too.
A. 145
B. 225
C. With a 50# db and 20/10/100ft
10-12 echo cals each round
A. Snatch (off 170#): Built to 140#x1.1 (no medium blocks; performed as Hang Snatch from mid patella)
B. Back Squat (off 305#): 210#x8x5
C. 4 of 5 sets done. AMRAP in 3 mins: 20 WB Shots (20#;10′), 10 DB Burpee DLs (50#), 100’ Farmer Carry (50# – 25’ Increments), ME Cal Echo, Rest :90s (6/7/7/7)
D. 3 of 4 sets done. 50’ HEAVY Walking Lunge (Farmer Hold) @ 50#, Rest :90s
A. 80
B. 135
C. Had to adjust things a bit. First round I didn’t even make it to the bike.
15 WB
10 BDL
45# Farmer carry
Bike cal- 0/7/7/2/5
Makes an incredible amount of difference if you stop to break reps anywhere in the workout, buyer beware????????