Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
400 Meter Run @ easy pace
Hamstring Floss x 60 seconds per side
400 Meter Run @ medium pace
Two sets of:
Medball Hamstring Curl x 10 reps
Single Leg RDL x 10 reps per leg
Reach Thrus x 3 reps
and finish with …
Back Extension Hold x 60 seconds
Ring Muscle-Up Skill Work
Five sets of:
3 Ring Swings + 1 Pop Swing
Rest 30-45 seconds between sets
and then …
*Athlete Choice*
Five sets of:
100′ Shuttle Run (25′ down and 25′ back)
1-3 Reps of One of the Following:
Ring Muscle-Up
Bar Muscle-Up
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
Rope Climb
Rest 1-2 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
3 Banded Speed Deadlifts @ 60%
**Special Note**
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:
6 Bench Press
9 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Toes to Bar
35-39: 185/125lbs
40-49: 155/105 lbs
50-54: 125/85 lbs
55-59: 105/75 lbs
60+: 95/65 lbs
*For the cardio, alternate each round between a 200 meter run and 15/12 calories on the echo bike.
Two sets of:
Max Reps Banded Triceps Extensions (aim for 30+)
Rest 2 minutes
General Training Notes:
You get to pick the movement of your choice for your gymnastic skill work today. We aren’t looking for crazy volume here but more so movement quality and for you to feel crisp with whatever gymnastic movement you elect. You may also feel free to also select a gymnastic progression that you’ve been liking! Then more banded speed deadlifts! Hopefully you guys have been enjoying these progressions and are getting a feel for the lift. Add 25% band tension at lockout and the focus is maximal speed on each lift as it has been for the past 5 weeks. By maximal speed we mean we want you visualizing as though you were jumping with the barbell you exploded up so hard. If the bar is slowing down at all, stop or reduce the loading.
Then you’ve got a FUN Saturday workout to hit today! Hit the runs/bikes a consistent pace then come inside and get to work on the bench press. The goal on the bench is unbroken reps – it should be a weight that you can comfortably move for 6 reps in a row even with an elevated heart rate. As soon as you finish that start cranking out some strict pull-ups. We’re accumulating a good chunk of reps so you’ll likely have to break quite a few times, but try to hang on for big sets if you can to really get a pump in your lats. You may want to add a light band for assistance so that you can keep moving through quickly and get some good volume on your pull-ups. After the last pull-up you’ll go straight into the toes to bar which we’re expecting 1-2 sets for you to finish. Keep moving through this at a consistent pace for the full 25 minutes and enjoy the pump!