Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets of):
Sets 1/3, perform:
10/7 Calorie Bike
3-5 Wall Walks
30-45 Second Nose to Wall Handstand Hold
Sets 2/4, perform:
200 Meter Run
20 Walking Lunges (bodyweight)
45 Second Wall Sit
Six sets of:
Back Squat
Sets 1-3: 5 reps @ 60-65% @21X1 Tempo
Sets 4-6: 3 reps @ 75-85% @30X1 Tempo
Rest as needed
For time:
9 Thrusters (115/80lbs)
30-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Thrusters (115/80lbs)
45-Foot Handstand Walk
21 Thrusters (115/80lbs)
60-Foot Handstand Walk
*Handstand walks must be in 15 foot unbroken increments.
Three sets of:
8-10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg)
10-12 Medball Hamstring Curls
90 Second Weighted Chinese Plank
Rest as needed
Athlete Notes:
Heavy Handstand Reverse Fran was an event just hit by individuals at the Granite Games. This one is all about managing shoulder fatigue and the ability to get upside down when your arms are blasted and lungs are pumping. This is a great opportunity to test yourself against a field of very good athletes and see how well you do and what you can really work on going forward! Fastest times will hit the thrusters unbroken and probably even the handstand walks, but if you know that’s going to blow you up too much, pick your breaks wisely. It’s not a terrible idea to come down every 15 feet on the handstand walk to shake your arms out and not risk falling before hitting the target line. On the flip side, maybe breaking the thrusters once or twice will allow your shoulders a break and you can push the handstand walk faster. Pick a strategy and let us know what worked or what didn’t!
Warmup done
A. 125/125/125/143/154/164Kg
B. 8:23Rx
Thrusters – all UB
HSW – meh, not so fast here. Happy to do them Rx though.
C. Done
D. Done
Warm up done
A. 1-3 @ 125, 4-6 @ 155
B. Used 65lb bar. Goal was 10min, finished 11:31
C. Done
Looks like you set a good goal! You were close!
Warm up: done
A. 285/285/285
325/355/370 lbs
B. 6:12
Good work today!
Outdoor session again, will be back in the gym tomorrow only Something warm up done A) EMOM8´ 8 reps double db push press B) 4 sets of (50lbs db): 21 t2b (fat bar, 11/10) 7 double db bp deadlift 5 double db snatches 3 devils presses Not sure about the time, around 10-12 min. C) For time 350m run 21 double db th 21 strict pu (fat bar) 350m run 15 stoh 15 spu 350m run 9 sq cl 9 spu Also not sure, around 14 min or so. D) 3 rounds 20 reps death march (double db) 1 min… Read more »
Good work today.Looks like a fun workout!
A. Did this instead since back has been a little weird
3 Rounds
50 foot sled push (325 on sled)
8 Bulgarian split squats (50s)
50 foot sled push
50 foot sled drag
50 seated banded hamstring curls
50 foot sled drag
20 GHD Hip Extension
Finished around 18:30 then did on more sled push and drag back
B. 3:49 RX like granite game standards though with the slightly lingers unbroken increments
Felt the back slightly on set of 21
Thrusters unbroken/unbroken/15-6
C. Combined this with A
Strong B)!
Thank you!
A1. BS (off 295#) @ 21X1: 180×5, 190×5, 200#x5
A2. BS (off 295#) @ 30X1: 225×3, 240×3, 255#x3. Felt solid on these squats ????
B. 7:24. For time: 9 Thrusters @ 80#, 30 Shoulder Taps, 15 Thrusters @ 80#, 45 Shoulder Taps, 21 Thrusters @ 80#, 60 Shoulder Taps. This was fun!
C. 3 sets done: 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg) @ 10#, 12 Medball Hamstring Curls @ 10#, :60s Weighted Chinese Plank @ 10#
Looks like a fun way to do it!