Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Two to Three sets of:
60 seconds of Banded Monster Walk
20 Banded Pull-Throughs
50-Foot Kettlebell Overhead Carry
50-Foot Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry
5 Kettlebell Windmills (each arm)
10 Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts (each leg)
30-45 second Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold
Three sets of:
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + 2 Hang Power Snatches (55-60%)
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Followed by…
Five sets of:
Hang Power Snatch + Low Hang Power Snatch (2″ below knee) + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (70-80%)
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Snatch Pull + 5 second Eccentric Lowering
Rest 90-120 seconds between sets
Spend time getting comfortable being upside down. Get confident with a handstand. Then continue to challenge yourself with new obstacles and goals.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″/2″ Deficit
15 Kettlebell Snatches (32/24 kg)
For quality (don’t rush):
400 Meter Farmer’s Carry* (32/24 kg KBs)
*For every time you set the kettlebells down, perform 25 GHD Sit-Ups.
Athlete Notes:
For today’s workout we’ve taken Regionals Nate from a few years back and flipped things around a bit to change the intensity. The strict muscle ups were the crux for most people in this event so we’ve changed those to normal ring muscle-ups, BUT we’ve added the deficit to the handstand push-ups to slow those down. When you get to the kettlebell, wear a wrist band on your forearms (you’ll thank us later) and make sure you’re trying to split reps as evenly as possible between arms. Smooth and efficient is going to be the pace for today’s workout. Too fast out of the gates and you’ll blow up early. Find what your threshold is and try to hang there. Use the transitions as a chance to catch a quick breath so that you can remain efficient on the higher skill movements.
Warmup done
A. 43/52/61Kg
85Kg x 3
B. Done
C. 5+15. Did no deficit HSPU, all else Rx.
D. Done w/2 stops.
Looks like it was good modification going flat for the handstands.
Warm up: done
A. 115/125/135 lbs
A2: 145/45/145/155/155 lbs
A3: 175/175/175 lbs
B. Done
C.3 rounds
(My weaknesses)
D. Done
Keep mixing in some extra handstand push ups in the weak when you are feeling like you have some left over energy. The extra work can really add up
THANK YOU for the video on the snatch pull with the lowering!!
A. Part 1- 65lb, part 2- 80lb, part 3- 85lb
C. 5+5
Glad you liked it!
Did an outdoor session with my dumbbells and some running. Felt pretty beat up, so nothing fancy, but got the job done.
Glad you still got something in
A. 135×3
155×3, 165×2
B. ✅
C. 7 + 9 reps Rx. UB on HSPU till round 7 then 5/3/2 (shit hit the fan round 7) UB MU.
Those reps really add up.Good work
A. Kept it a little lighter
B. Done
C. RX 6 rounds + 5 muscle ups + 4 DSHSPU
Slightly higher than 4 inches ????
D. Later or tomorrow
extra credit being a little taller than 4!