Primary Training Session
Three rounds at 70-80% effort of:
10/7 Calorie Bike or Row
100-Foot Suitcase Carry (each arm)
10 Seated Empty Barbell Good Mornings
10 Seated Barbell Presses
15 Med-Ball Bearhug Squats
30 Band Pull-Aparts
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets) of:
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
Sets 1-3 @ 60% of 1-RM Clean
Sets 4-6 @ 70%
Sets 7-8 @ 75-80%
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets) of:
Power Clean + Front Squat
Begin set one at 60% and build to a heavy
Three rounds for time of:
750 Meter Row
3 “Barbell Complex”**
“Barbell Complex”
5 Power Cleans
5 Thrusters
5 Front Squats
*Round 1 = 135/95 lbs
*Round 2 = 155/105 lbs
*Round 3 = 175/115 lbs
You will row and then perform three rounds of the complex at the first weight. Then you will go back to the row to start round two. When you finish your second row you will complete another three rounds through the barbell complex. Then repeat again for the final set at the final weight
Four sets of:
12-15 Narrow Stance Heel Elevated Goblet Squats @ 31X1
Immediately followed by…
60 Second Weighted Wall Sit
Rest 90 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (3 sets of):
Station 1 – 40 seconds of V-Ups
Station 2 – 40 second Side Plank Right
Station 3 – 40 seconds of Leg Lift Overs
Station 4 – 40 second Side Plank Left
Athlete Notes:
A little cardio lifting is on the menu today. How fast can you push on the row while still being able to move the barbell? We have assigned weights but we also want people to be able to move through this without having to take too much rest. If you’re looking at that second weight and aren’t sure if you could do at least 1 round of the “complex” unbroken when you’re fresh, then we’d advise lowering the weight down to something that you can move more comfortably. You don’t have to do the complex unbroken, and for many of you that won’t be the right strategy, but when choosing your weight, take it into consideration. The total volume ends up being 2250 meters of rowing, 45 power cleans, 45 thrusters, and 45 front squats. It’ll catch up quick so don’t come out the gates too hot with that lighter barbell!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Concept 2 Bike Endurance Option
Eight sets of:
Concept 2 Bike
75 seconds at 120% of 20 minute Watt
75 seconds at 95% of 20 minute Watt
60 seconds at 70% of 20 minute Watt
30 second rest
Running Endurance Option
Four rounds for completion of:
Run 800 Meters @ Mile Pace + :04-:08/mile
2 Minute Recovery Walk
Part D EMOM 15 or 12??