Please click the link below for our full list of preparation notes to help you all perform to the best of your ability and start the season off on the right foot. For years we reserved these notes only for our personal clients, but we’ve been blessed with the growth of this Invictus Athlete community, and we want to see you all succeed this season.
Please click the link below for our 22.3 Preparation Tools
AM Session -Deep learning for Open Event
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
3-5 Minutes Easy Pace on Assault Bike, BikeErg or Row
and then …
T-Spine Pulse on Box or Bench x 60 seconds (pulse)
Scap Ring-Rows x 5 reps
Ring-Rows x 10 reps (slow and controlled)
V-Ups x 15 reps
and finish with …
5 Superman/Hollow Swings on Pull-Up Bar
5 Scap Pull-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
Two sets of:
30 Seconds Scap Push-Ups
30 Seconds Ring-Rows
30 SecondsSky Divers
30 Seconds Ankle Pulse (right)
30 Seconds Ankle Pulse (left)
30 Seconds Deep Squat Progression
For movement quality and efficiency:
45 second Machine
6-8 Pull-Ups
42 Double Unders
8-10 Thrusters (95/65lbs)
45 second Machine
4-6 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
36 Double Unders
4-6 Thrusters (115/75lbs)
45 second Machine
2-4 Bar Muscle-Ups
30 Double Unders
3-4 Thrusters (135/85lbs)
45 second Machine
and then. . .
At Game Pace
10 Pull-Ups
30 Double Unders
10 Thrusters (95/65lbs)
8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
20 Double Unders
8 Thrusters (115/75lbs)
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Double Unders
4 Thrusters (135/85lbs)
10-15 minute aerobic flush on machine of choice
PM Session – Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Distracted Pec Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Band Distracted Tricep Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Two sets of:
Single Leg Hip Bridge x 8-10 reps per leg
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 5 reps each
Banded Squats x 5 reps @ 3211
Three sets at ascending pace:
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike, Ski Erg or Rowing
5 Strict Pull-Ups
15 Plate Hops
5 Superman/Hollow Swings on Pull-Up Bar
10 Empty Bar Thrusters
*Perform this at 70-80-90% effort.
Build to a 135/85 lb Thruster*
*As you build the barbell, also perform sets of 4-8 pull-ups, chest-to-bar pull-ups and bar muscle-ups for efficiency and grooving the motor patterns.
Perform one or two sets at game pace of:
6 Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
6 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Double-Unders
4 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
2 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Double-Unders
2 Thrusters (135/85 lbs)
Work on establishing the same breathing patterns and transition paces you hope to hold for 22.3.
“CrossFit Games Open Workout 22.3”
For time:
21 Pull-Ups
42 Double-Unders
21 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
18 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
36 Double-Unders
18 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
30 Double-Unders
15 Thrusters (135/85 lbs)
Time Cap = 12:00 minutes
C. 16:12 with ring mu
Pu 12/9
Ctb 3-5s
Mu 3 down to singles for the last few
Thr ub/ 12-6 / 8-7
Rushing around yesterday after training (we went to a concert finally!) and Spaced on posting
22.3- 7:51 Rx
2-3 sets on everything just to give my grip a break. DU all UB and bar MU sets of 3. I think I could have done bigger sets to save time but I moved pretty consistent here
Thanks for everything!
I don’t post often, just quietly putting in all the work, but today I got my first Bar Muscle-up!
I have been following this program for about two years now (often scaled) but I’m definitely still making progress. Hard work pays off!!!
Thank you very much for the great programming
That’s awesome, great job!
Heck yeah!!! Awesome work!! ????????????also- Props for always quietly putting in the work, but don’t ever be hesitant to post. This is seriously the best community ????.
22.3: 8:32
22.3–160 reps (completed up to 4 Bar MUs)
Pull-ups went 7/7/7
Thrusters 10/11
C2B Pull-ups: 3/3/3/3/3/3
Thrusters: 3/3/3/3/3/3
Bar MUs: 4 singles. CAP
22.3 – 6:56Rx
Thrusters – UB/UB/12.3
DUs – UB/UB/1 trip
PU and C2B – UB
BMU – 5.5.5
Invictus Upper Body program done
Nice job! How long did the last break last? after the 12th th with 61kg
Thank you. I got right back on the bar in no time. Should’ve been UB but I lost balance slightly so had to drop it and reset.
Good that you could stay focused. Yeah was wondering how come you couldn’t squeeze out that last 3 reps (yeah like it is that easy, we all know haha) Thought when i saw it, that it will be a good one for you
Thrusters: UB, 10-8, 9-6
DUs: 1 trip on 2nd set
Pull-ups: UB, 10-8, 7-5-3
Goal was sub 6:00. Hit the splits I wanted till the bar MUs. Should have dug in harder
22.3: 6:31 rough
Thrusters: unbroken/13-5/unbroken
Dubs: unbroken/1 trip/
Pull ups and c2b unbroken
Bar mu 11-4
Solid sets! Good work this morning!
Thanks Hunter feel like I should be under 6 but all good!