February 19, 2022 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
“Invictus Athlete Combine”
At the 0:00 mark:

Event 1
For max load, in 3 minutes:
5 Snatches

You only get a maximum of 6 attempts in the 3-minute window, and you must declare your weight before the clock starts – you cannot change weights during the 3 minutes. Your score will be the sum of your successful lifts, up to 5 lifts. You will not get credit for more than 5 successful lifts.

When the running clock hits 5:00…

Event 2

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For max reps:
30 Seconds of Front Squats (275/185 lbs)

Barbell will be taken from the ground. If the bar hits the ground before the 30 seconds is over, the set is over.

When the running clock hits 7:00…

Event 3
Invictus Muscle-Up Density Test
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set.
(Takes 5 minutes to complete)

Rest 30 minutes after Event 3, and then…

At the 42 minute mark:

Event 4
For max calories:
90 seconds of Assault Bike

When the running clock reaches 44:00 (30 second transition between event 4 and 5)…

Event 5
For time:
100-Foot Handstand Walk


Rest 25 minutes after Event 5, and then…

At the 71:00 mark:

Event 6
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
21 Thrusters (95/65lb.)
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Note reps achieved for each set.

Rest 15 minutes after Event 6, and then…

At the 90:00 mark:

Event 7
For time:
1 Mile Run
3000 Meter Row
1 Mile Run
300 Double Unders
1 Mile Run

Athlete Notes:

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Combine day! We run this every year as a pre season tester for our athletes! Many of them have done it in the past, and our Invictus Seattle crew got to tackle it earlier this year – so for y’all we understand if it’s too soon to go again :). It’s always exciting to have hard data showing improvement over the years. Go out there and give it your best shot! One thing to note.. for this combine, because we are tracking it yearly, we don’t offer any modifications. For example, if you cannot clean the 275/185 barbell, you will simply take a 0 for that event, not lower the weight. Same thing for the ring muscle ups. If you cannot perform them, your score will be a 0 for that as well. I know it can be frustrating in the moment, but this data really helps us with programming going forward!

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James Wozniak
James Wozniak
February 19, 2022 5:15 pm

1. 205, 1 miss. 3:00 was plenty of time. Probably could of went to 215
2. 6
3. 34 (18/10/6)
4. 45 calories
5. 1:20. Spicy coming off the bike sprint
6. 2+16
7. Skip. 4 degrees F outside. I need to invest in an air runner. Any invictus promo code? Lol ????

Didn’t take the full breaks. 5:00 between 3/4 and 6:00 between 5/6

Alex González
Alex González
February 19, 2022 10:58 am

E1: 195×5= 975 lbs
E2: 0 I can’t clean it today
E3: 14/8/4
E4: 33 cals
E5: 0:40
E6: 2+10
E7: 46:14

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
February 19, 2022 10:41 am

Could move a little around at the gym today, but felt really weak and slow A) EMOM until daily heavy 20 DU + 2 TH (from floor) Started from 40kg, added 5 kg at every min Up to 90kg, then worked my way backwards the same way 21’ together B) 3×10 strict press 40-45-50kg barbell C) Some snatch practice, was rusty D) Event 4-5. 38.8 cal ass bike (remember last time got around 43 or so) 42 sec hsw (4×25 feet, probably would be faster with more space) E) 20 cal ski 10 devil’s press 50lbs (double) 20 cal bike… Read more »

Bronco MacDonald
Bronco MacDonald
February 19, 2022 9:01 am

No big rest between just time of transition

1. 225#
2. 5 reps
3. 15 (6/5/4)
4. 41 calories
5. 1:50
6. 1+ 21
7 didn’t do

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
February 19, 2022 6:20 am

Felt beat up and didn’t have the time to take all the rest between so only took around 5 minutes after event 3 and 15 minutes after event 5

Event 1 – 0 (didn’t do because of wrist)
Event 2: 8
Event 3: 18/9/6
Event 4: 46
Event 5: 1:09
Event 6: 2+6
Event 7 (did this Thursday since I wouldn’t have the time) – 36:56 On assault runner
I know doing it a different day isn’t the same but what can ya do!

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