Primary Training Session
Three rounds, individually OR synchronized with a partner of:
15/12 Calorie Row
10 Burpees Over the Erg
8 Toes to Rings
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
4 Handstand Shoulder Taps (each arm)
2 Wall Walks
Three sets of:
Bench Press x 5 reps @ 21X1
Rest 45 seconds
Stationary Dips x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Stiff Leg Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds
Prone Banded Hamstring Curls x 20 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Three sets for times of:
400 Meter Run
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
10 Muscle-Ups
30/20 Calorie Row
Rest 4 minutes
Four rounds of:
25 Reverse Hypers @ 50% of 1-RM Back Squat
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (150-200/100-150lb.)
If you do not have access to a reverse hyper please perform Banded Pull-Throughs
Athlete Notes:
Work, rest, repeat is what’s on the menu for today’s workout. We’ve got a mix of some cardio and some skill. We’d like to see the first 400m done at between your 800 and 1-mile pace. The wall balls we want to see you push to go unbroken. If you have to drop, did you really have to? Or did your mind win? The burpees should be done at a consistent pace, you can lose a LOT of time on these if they drop off too much, so we want to see consistency across the board, shoot for 90 seconds or less on them. For the muscle ups we want them done in 1-3 sets. If you can go unbroken, DO IT, otherwise get as far as you can in 2-3 sets. That last row is where you learn to finish! Start your sprint to the finish sooner than you think. IF you’re still pulling a high cal/hr when you hit the 30/20, you didn’t start your kick soon enough, you should be dying off the last 1-2 calories. Finishing hard in a workout is an acquired skill, so stay in it all the way through!
C. Done with 30 bike, 30# wb, reg burpees, pull-ups
Rounds were around 9 min
8:49 9 something 8:36
Day late due to feeling beat after 8 miles snowshoeing
A. ✅
B. 225 bench. 225 DL. 12 dips @ 55lbs
C. Rx. 6:40/6:53/7:19. Transitions slowed as well as the row.
A. Done
B. Did strict press instead of bench
Press 70kg, deadlifts 80kg x 10
C. Did 30 cal Assault bike instead of run and bar mu.
7:17, 7:29, 7:28
Bike 1:45
Wb 3:00 ub
Burpees 4:45-4:53
Mu 6:00-6:10 (5/5)
D. Done
A. Done
B. Bench 225/245/275×3 – dips 10/70lb kbs/done
C. RX 7:12/7:15/7:11 – 29:38 including rest
400 meter assault run
Unbroken wall balls
Tried to stay steady on burpees – box facing
Unbroken mu
Tried to push the row
D. Done
Great job on consistency!
A. Done
B. Done with 80Kg/102Kg
C. Done Rx – 7:21/7:09/7:03
Runs – 1:35-1:38
BBJO – ~1:20 each rnd
MU – 5/5 each rnd
Row -1:08/1:05/1:06
Kept transitions to a minimum.
D. Done
Upper body program done.
Solid day! Sounds like you earned a rest day
Thanks Hunter. It was brutal; 85’ and 90% humidity this morning at 0700. It was like breathing through a damp washcloth.
A: done, I have a love hate relationship with these warmups but they’re good for me
B: 115, 155
C: oh the struggle like 27 min
D: done
Glad you are doing the warm ups!
A. Done
B. Done
C. 8:56/9:04/9:49
D. Done
Enjoy some rest tomorrow!
Thanks Coach