January 29, 2022 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Warm-Up Primer

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Three rounds at increasing effort of:
10/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
10 Empty Bar Thrusters
10 Empty Bar Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunges
10 Lateral Burpees Over the Empty Barbell
45-60 second Push-Up Plank Hold

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Clean Lift-Off with Pause at Knees + Power Clean + Power Jerk

Build to today’s heavy over the course of the eight sets.

Individual Option:
Three rounds for time of:
30 Front Squats (155/105lbs)
30 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell

Team of 2 Option:
Three rounds for time of:
30 Synchronized Front Squats (155/105lbs)
30 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell

Team of 4 Option:
Three rounds for time of:
30 Worm Squats
30 Synchronized Burpees Over the Worm

Four sets of:
30 second Plank
30 second Side Plank (right)
30 second Side Plank (left)
30 second Hollow Hold
60 seconds rest

Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a BURNER. Your legs and low back are going to get fried from this combination. How long can you hold on to the barbell? How fast can you squat? How quickly can you burpee? How long can you hold a pace before the wheels fall off? These are all questions that this workout will answer. Each of you will be different in this workout. If you’re a burpee machine, maybe you are more methodic on the squats. If you’re someone who likes to lay on the ground and smell the rubber between each burpee, then you’re going to have to push the pace on the barbell. Regardless of what kind of athlete you are, this workout is going to test your capacity, and that’s perfect in preparation for the season!

Strategy-wise, we’d like to see all of the sets of front squats done in 1-2. If you’re having to break much more than that, then the weight is likely too heavy. For the burpees, we like to see the first 10 or so hit at a “”get your legs moving”” pace (uncomfortable but not lighting any sparks), the middle 10 done at a more aggressive pace, and the final 10 done at a pace that would allow you to pick the barbell back up. No matter how you strategize this workout, the lactic acid monster comes for all of us at some point as the volume accumulates. Maybe for you it’s smarter to go out hard and try to get as far as you can before that point happens? Or, maybe you try to pace through and hold off the monster for as long as you can? Either way, take some notes and tell us what you learned about yourself in this workout! Earn tomorrow’s rest day!

Optional Additional Work Sessions

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*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
8-10 Strict Pull-Ups
Immediately followed by…
8-10 Gorilla Rows (each arm)
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets

Three sets of:
8-10 EZ Bar Curls
10-12 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Max Effort Banded Biceps Curls (once you start to use your shoulders or form breaks down, end the set)
Do not rest between movements, but rest as needed between sets.

Bike Endurance Option
Ten sets for max calories of:
60 seconds on Damper 5
30 seconds on Damper 1

*For all of these intervals, please note how you feel on specific dampers. Each individual will have a specific preference as to what feels best (the correlation between effort, leg fatigue, and heart rate) for them.

Running Endurance Option

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Eight sets for times of:
Run 200 Meters @ 100% of your 400m PR pace
Jog 200 Meters @ active recovery pace
Run 200 Meters @ 100% of your 400m PR pace
Rest 2 minutes

Rowing Endurance Option
Eight sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters @ 100% of your 500m PR pace
Rest 30 seconds
Row 250 Meters @ 100% of your 500m PR pace
Rest 90 seconds

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