Primary Training Session
Warm-Up Primer
Three rounds, individually OR synchronized with a partner, of:
12/9 Calorie Row
12 Wall Balls (14-20/10-14)
9 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3 Bar Muscle Ups OR 6 Strict Ring to Sternum Pull-Ups
*Increase effort each round.
Build to 90% of your Current 1-RM Bench Press
(This does not need to be a max effort attempt. Just something that feels heavy)
Six sets of:
Bench Press x 2 reps @85%
Rest as needed
Six sets of:
Deadlift x 2 reps @21X1
Rest as needed
Three sets for times of:
300 meter Assault Run or 400 meter Run
10 Burpee Box Overs (46/42″)
12 Ring Muscle-Ups
10 Burpee Box Overs (46/42″)
300 meter Assault Run or 400 meter Run
Rest 3 minutes
Against a 5 minute clock:
200 Double Unders
Max Rope Climbs
Rest 5 minutes then repeat.
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a fun little up the ladder/down the ladder. What we’re looking for here is consistency. If you blow the first set out of the water but then drop off by over a minute, you probably went to hard. That said, you do get 3 minutes to recover, so push the pace here. The run should be slightly faster than mile pace. Your burpees should be chest to deck as soon as your feet hit the ground. For the muscle ups, we’re looking 1-2 sets to get the 12 each round – so modify accordingly. When you go back up the ladder (back to the burpees and run) you should actually pick the pace up knowing that the skill movement is over and all you have left is some grit followed by rest. How fast can you go, recover, and repeat?
A. 245, 225
C. Around 8:30 each round with
500 row 6 mu 24” box
On friday
Primer done ????
A1. Did fridays squat sets @132,5/152kg
A2. Up to 105kg then sets @100kg
B. Up to 165kg
C. One set 9.20
D. 4/4 rc with du skillwork
Slowly getting back to form..everything feels super heavy ????????
Primer done
A: 145; 125
B: 245
C: a little over 30 min total rowed 500m
D: doing Thursday
Warm up done
A. Did strict press instead
83kg, 78kg
B. 160-165-170-175-180-180kg (80%-90%)
C. 8:40, 8:17, 8:16
Subbed the mu for ring to sternum pull ups with feet of the box and strict hspu.
Primer ✅
A. Built to 275 then, 235 across the 6 sets
B. 335/355/375/395/415/415
C. 6:19, 6:13, 6:18
Sub 1:30 runs. All MUs 7/5
Smoked it!
Warm up : done
A. 220 lbs
Then 210 lbs 6 sets
B. 370 lbs
C. . 8:58/9:37/8:58
D. 3/4 rope climbs
Way to push that third round and bring it back down.
Warmup done
A. Up to 100Kg; 6×2 @ 85Kg
B. 160Kg across all
C. Rx with 400m run
D. No rope so did strict pull-ups.
DU – 4 trips
PUs – 67 reps
Good job with the consistency!
Joined the morning class while coaching: Amrap 20’ Max cal ass bike Every 5’, inc.: 0:00 perform 500m row 50 du Got around 145 cals or something Afternoon outdoor training: A. Jogging 1 mile to the park, then… Warm-Up Primer Three rounds 200m Jogging 12 Jumping Air Squats 9 Something Facing Burpees 6 Pike Push Ups 3 Strict Pull Ups B. Fever Pitch For time: 60 Pull-Ups 30 Alternating Jumping Lunges 30 Push Ups 150-foot Handstand Walk (5×9 meters) The pull up bar at the park is like a fat bar, and no chalk, so it isn’t easy, did 6×10… Read more »
Looks like you definitely got your full amount of exercising in today
Today wasa good day.
First real day back after WZA/battling covid ????♂️????♂️
A.up to 295 then 275x2x6
B. Light 225/275/295/315/335
C. RX did 400 meter assault run first set then 300 for next 2
MU 8/4 8/4 10/2
D. Doing this tomorrow
Hope you arent too sore tomorrow with this being first day back!
Hi! Wich is the intensity for the deadlift
Whenever it does not say a percentage then we want you to go as heavy as possible while keeping proper technique.