Primary Training Session
Partner Warm-Up
Three rounds, alternating with a partner or resting 1:1 of:
12/9 Calorie Machine of Choice (preferably Ski Erg or Row if you have access)
12 Toes to Bar
9 Burpee Pull-Ups
6 Wall Walks
*The partner “resting” will hold a 100/75# Sandbag in a Bearhug. If you are performing alone, hold the sandbag during your rest.
Five sets of:
Strict Press x 5 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM
Rest as needed
Three sets
6 Deadlifts to the knee + 6 Dimmels
@ 65-70% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest as needed
Six sets for times of:
30 Heavy Rope Double Unders or 50 Double Unders
One round of “DT”
20/15 Calorie Row
Rest 60 seconds
Record total time including rest (5 minutes worth of rest)
12 Deadlifts (155/105lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to Overhead
Against a 5 minute clock:
60/40 Calorie Ski-Erg or Row
Max Rope Climbs
Rest 5 minutes then repeat.
Athlete Notes:
Today is going to be a grippy one! Since you’re getting rest after the row, we want you to push to hit the double unders AND “DT” unbroken each set. It’ll be tough, but challenge yourself! That said, if going unbroken means you take a 30 second break between the rope and the bar, then maybe just work on speeding up the transition and cycling the barbell as fast as you can. Once you get to the row it’s time to kick it into the next gear. We want to see you sprint finish and then try to maintain even splits throughout each of the 6 sets!
A. 115
B. 295
C. Done with 135 and echo bike
Rounds 3:15-3:56
D. Done with echo and bb rows 135
10-12 reps each time
Primer 2 rounds
A. 70kg (75%)
B. 130kg (65%)
C. 22:39 rounds between 2:50-3:00, 50 du’s, dt in 2 sets took a quick brake after deadlifts. Happy with the consistency
solo 3:00/2:45/2:15
A. 125×3, 135×2
B. Done @ 335
C. 21:08 total w/ drag rope. The rope was the hardest part. Many trips
D. Skipped. Pretty beat
Rest up and get ready to rock Friday!
Warmup done individually; used 70Kg SB.
A. 40/40/45/45/50Kg; such a weakness for me. Old broken shoulders.
B. 143Kg
C. Rx w/ 50 DU
Total – 22:10
Rnd 2 was UB but that hurt. Did (11.1/8.1/UB) for the other sets.
D. Didn’t do, out of time.
Taking the next couple days off. Family is going on a small vacation to Hawkes Bay. Will be back next week for Monday’s workout.
Enjoy your extended weekend!
Have great weekend!
Warm up done
Rounds: 4:38/4:00/3:38
A. 115 lbs
B. 370 lbs
C. 33:04
D. 1 rope climb in each round
Enjoy some rest tomorrow!
Thanks Hunter
Did kind of a mash up today
A. 140/145/150/155/155
B. Skipped dimmels
30 Drag Rope Double Unders
30 Calorie Ski
5 Rope Climbs
3+30+30+4 rope climbs
4 Sets
In a 20lb vest
200 meter assault run
9 Burpee Pull Ups
6 Wall Walks
20 Calorie Row
Rest 2 Minutes between sets
This was nice!
Didn’t want to do any deadlifts taking it easy on back
Glad it was a good day and being smart with the back.
Hard work is done. Time to make sure you feel awesome going into WZA!!
Yessir!! I’ll probably just kind of go by feel for these next few day
A. Strict Press: 75x5x3; 80#x5x2
B. 6 DLs to knee + 6 Dimmels: 200, 205, 210#
C. I did 50 DUs, 12 DLs, 9 HPCs, 6 S2OHs, 15 Cal Row for 6 sets using 45# DBs. 3:11, 3:13, 3:04, 3:10, 3:09, 3:08. So, 23:55 for total time.
D. I only did 1 set of 40 Cal Row and Max Strict Towel Pull-ups: 12.
Heck yeah! Love the consistent times!