Primary Training Session
Accumulate 15-20 Strict Chest to Sternum Pull Ups with a false grip
Followed by…
Accumulate 15-20 Ice Cream Makers
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
(Pause for 2-3 seconds in the split jerk receiving position before recovering.)
Rest 2 minutes
Build over the course of the 8 sets.
Set a 5:00 Clock.
Perform a max time freestanding handstand hold on paralletes
and then …
Eight sets, not for time, of:
2 Deficit Parallete Strict Handstand Push Ups
20 Second Ring Support Hold
15 Second Ring Dip Hold
Ten rounds for total time of:
Run 200 Meters
2 Ring Muscle-Ups
4 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
2 Ring Muscle-Ups
For quality and muscle activation:
50 Banded Lat Pull Downs
50 Banded Face Pulls
Athlete Notes:
Compete day! We love these “high round/low rep” style of workouts because it allows for a few things. Quick transitions, volume accumulation, and forced movement. If we were to program five rounds but combine the muscle ups, and push press, then double the reps, it can be somewhat daunting for a lot of folks, and we’d see a lot of staring at the rings and taking convenient chalk breaks. By making you go up and down the ladder (2-4-8-4-2) we are giving you the opportunity to move quickly between movements, complete 40 total ring muscle ups, 80 total push press, and 80 total burpees but all spaced out over 10 rounds with small reps. Since the reps are so low, we want you to push the run here and then move quickly between the movements. Build some capacity and use this as an opportunity to make yourself go before you want to!
B. To 185
D. 36:50 with 40 du and burpees over bar
A. Done
B. Up to 100kg
C. Done
D. RX 29:53
A. Done
B. Up to 100kg
C. Done, rough stuff ????????
D. Did the mu’s, skipped rest, short on time.
E. Done.
Made up yesterday! My knee is really swollen so I did my best with squats and did power snatches. hopefully this dies down soon!
A) 150/165/175/190/195 then 195
B) 115 and 120
C) 185/210/235 then 195.
D) ????
Thanks Tino! Hope you had a great day
What happened to your knee???
I have multiple fire ant stings and I’m allergic to them ???? I didn’t train mon because of it, I took meds for it that make me sleep haha
Jeez! You really can’t catch a break. Be safe and hang in there!
Haha nope! But it’s all good- always a rainbow after the storm,eventually, right? ????????
A. Done
B. Up to 215 lb
C. Done
D. 38:56
E. Done
A. Done
B. 60/65/70/75Kg x 4; the PP is limiting factor here because of past shoulder injuries.
C. Done with strict no deficit HSPU.
D. 24:43 Rx
E. Done
I really enjoyed all the gymnastics today. It felt pretty good.
Good stuff!
E. Done
A. 20/20
B. 135/155/185/205/225/245/265/285
C. 14:30
Done RX Paralette just to ab mat no plate under
The holds destroyed me did the first two sets unbroken then did the 20-15
D. RX but with 12 cal echo since it’s pouring
Man the holds were the hardest part of the whole training session
Brutal. My chest was cramping up had to spend a decent amount of times digging a lacrosse ball in there before the conditioning!
Working all those stabilizers!
A) Done
B) Up to 215 not great today
C) Holy shoulder pump
D) RX 32:18
E) Done
Between the ring holds and 40 muscle ups my chest might be sore for a week lol
But think how jacked you’ll be!!
I can’t argue that haha