Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Three sets for times of:
20/15 Calories of Rowing
1-3 PERFECT Muscle-Ups + 3-6 Ring Dips (after final muscle-up)
8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30/24″)
8-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (fast and efficient)
Rest 2 minutes
For the following two drills, draw out your ideal jerk footwork and use those marks to ensure perfect footwork. Please click here and watch this video to learn how to draw your footwork.
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks
x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heaviest complex of:
Push Press + Push Jerk
Use Jerk Blocks if possible.
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets) for times:
25/18 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
400 Meter Run
Please note times for all four sets. Also note any learning that occurred or observations as to where you started to drop off – either physically or mentally.
*Compare to July 7, 2021
Athlete Notes:
On today’s menu we have another repeat workout from July 7th. Please check back to your notes to see what you did last time, how it went, and if you would have changed anything! Then, just like all re-tests, maybe try out a different strategy this time around! Either way, this workout is all about teaching you how hard you can push, recover in a short window, and then repeat the effort. We see quick turnarounds frequently at the high-level competitions, especially semi-finals and games. Being able to recover quickly is arguably a skill in and of itself and that’s why we love these “every ____ minute” workouts so much! Today’s movements are a good mix of skill and effort. Ideally you are finishing in less than 7 minutes and giving yourself at least 3 minutes to rest and recover. Please modify the reps or even the wall ball loading accordingly to be able to achieve this.
Skill based: 13:49
A: Done empty barbell
B: 235 heaviest for today
C: 255/295/315/325/345
D: Done
Primer done
A. 20-30kg on both
B. Skipped left shoulder was sore on a lockout
C. 112.5-127.5-135-145-145kg
D. 6:26, 6:43, 7:43 (6:26, 6:26, 6:26 last time) same scaling no push up burpees and 9kg wall balls.
Still not right after being sick for 2 weeks. Lost motivation on the last round and shoulder was getting bit sore. Having bodywork done tomorrow after training with 2 days rest. Looking forward to it.
Ease yourself in be smart and listen to your body. Enjoy some well earned rest and body work!
A) 85 for both
B) 145 this is definitely not a max pushpress
C) 185/210/220/235/235
D) 6:43/6:52/6:47 Rx
This was about where I was last time except I had a 6:26 round. Can I blame the heat index while I was training (it was 107)? ????
Thanks for everything Tino! I hope you had an awesome day!
Pumped with the consistency this week!! Now stay safe in the heat!!
Primer: 2:28/2:09/2:05 w/max reps
A. 135/175/105
B. Up to 245. Failed 255. Quads were cramping on the push-press
C. 295/335/355/275/395
D. 5:31/5:42/5:58. Subbed 40 20lb Wallball shots. About 20 seconds faster or more each sets than last time.
Solid improvement James!
Thanks Tino!
Primer 2:36/2:38/2:32
A. 95/115/135 then 95/115/115
B. 245
C. 270/310/330/350/370
D. 7:30/8:00/8:33 I was 40 seconds faster today than last time.
Nice job Jacob!
Primer done
A: 55 & 35
B: 155!!!! I would have loved 165 but I can be happy with this.
C: got to 260, again happy
D: finished everything under the time cap with 14# WB, that has to be vast improvement on prior time
Good day of fitness!!!
What a damn good session! Nice work Kathryn!
Primer w/ 2MU+4 dips and 10 C2B – 3:02/2:51/2:46
A and B – skipped; left shoulder is painful and feels unstable this morning
C. 130/150/160/160/160Kg(85%); no strength in the legs today, did what I could
D. Rx – 5:42/5:35/5:31
July 7 – 5:43/542/5:39
Echo – 1:05/1:06/1:05
BBJO – steady quickies pace
T2B – UB
Runs – 1:38/1:35/1:32
Eased up a little on the Echo which allowed me to transition quicker this time and made the BBJO faster too.
Looks like you got your lungs back!
The conditioning felt good. I pushed a little harder because of the lackluster squatting today.
Muscle activation: done
Skill based: 3:24/3:08/3:06
3 MU+ 6 Ring Dips & 10 C2B
A. 135/155/165 lbs
A2: 65/85/95 lbs
B. 205 lbs
C. 305/350/370*2 in the last 3 sets
D: 7:46/8:16/8:39
July 7th: 8:41/8:50/8:59
Solid improvements!!
A) 95/115/135, 95/115/135
B) 135/185/205/215/225/235/245/255F/
C) 315/365/395/410/425
D) Subbed 25 cal Row 6:59, 6:55, 7:24 Burpees and wall balls were slower in round 3. All TTB unbroken. WB 20/10, 22/8, 20/10
Enjoy some rest tomorrow!
Primer done
A) usual 40-50-60kg for both
B) worked up to a heavy 5-3-2-1-1-2-3-5 reps push press today
C) done with the rx %, no belt, but i think it would have suck today with a belt as well, felt heavy, and the body was too stiff
D) nope
Wasn’t really there today in head, will make up for the conditioning tomorrow (hopefully)
Just an off day?
In the cards for sure. Either some bodyweight workout with running, or nothing. Saturday I’m off for a week holiday, so would be nice to get in some fitness before. We’ll see, body isn’t moving well this week so far.
A. Done
B. Built to 275
C. Tempo Spanish squats – knee felt good
D. RX 6:02/5:48/6:02
Wall balls and toes to bar unbroken
Bike 36 seconds
Runs were just slow cant really push those currently
Hope to see you back feeling like yourself for next weeks fun!
You’re usually twice as fast as me and so now I’m wondering if someone spiked my pre workout…
Feel better soon! you’re part of my motivation
Lol spiked pre workout will definitely get you going!!
Thank you I appreciate it! I’ll be back ???????????????? Keep up the good work!
Power snatch work with the class, worked up to a double at 185 (83%)
B. 205 – not a great push presser
C. 265/300/320/335/335 – worked off of a lower number than my last tested 1 RM bc I’ve been missing a lot of these at heavier loads lately
Good to see you being smart, scaling back and working positions. ????