August 11, 2021 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed

Followed by. . .

Skill-Based Movement Primer
Three sets for times of:
20/15 Calories of Rowing
1-3 PERFECT Muscle-Ups + 3-6 Ring Dips (after final muscle-up)
8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30/24″)
8-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (fast and efficient)
Rest 2 minutes

For the following two drills, draw out your ideal jerk footwork and use those marks to ensure perfect footwork. Please click here and watch this video to learn how to draw your footwork.

Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Followed by…

Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heaviest complex of:
Push Press + Push Jerk

Use Jerk Blocks if possible.

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95%

Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets) for times:
25/18 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
400 Meter Run

Please note times for all four sets. Also note any learning that occurred or observations as to where you started to drop off – either physically or mentally.

*Compare to July 7, 2021

Athlete Notes:
On today’s menu we have another repeat workout from July 7th. Please check back to your notes to see what you did last time, how it went, and if you would have changed anything! Then, just like all re-tests, maybe try out a different strategy this time around! Either way, this workout is all about teaching you how hard you can push, recover in a short window, and then repeat the effort. We see quick turnarounds frequently at the high-level competitions, especially semi-finals and games. Being able to recover quickly is arguably a skill in and of itself and that’s why we love these “every ____ minute” workouts so much! Today’s movements are a good mix of skill and effort. Ideally you are finishing in less than 7 minutes and giving yourself at least 3 minutes to rest and recover. Please modify the reps or even the wall ball loading accordingly to be able to achieve this.

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Bench Press x 5 reps @ 21X1
Rest 15 seconds
Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 reps @ 20X1
Rest 15 seconds
Dumbbell Floor Press x 20 reps @ 11X1
Rest 2-3 minutes

Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – Tempo Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 5 reps @ 20X6
(pause at the top position for 6 seconds between reps)
Station 2 – ValSlide Leg Curls x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Station 3 – Strict Toes to Bar or Leg Raises x 8 reps @ 3110
Station 4 – Superman Punches x 30-40 seconds

Five rounds of:
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls
45 Second Hollow Body Hold
(hold and reach with DB to make it more challenging)

Assault Bike Option
Every 3 minutes for 30 minutes (10 sets):
25/18 Calories of Assault Bike

*Goal is to hit 25/18 calories as close to 45 seconds as possible

*Compare to July 7, 2021

Running Endurance Option
Ten sets for times of:
Run 400 Meters
Rest 60 seconds

Run these 400s as quickly as possible, but without a drop off of more than 5 seconds between your fastest and slowest intervals. That means you’ll need to increase your perceived rate of exertion over the course of the 10 sets.

Rowing Endurance Option
Every 8 minutes, for 40 minutes (5 sets) for distances of:
6 Minutes of Rowing @ 90-95% of your 2k PR Pace

Walk, jog or row lightly during the 2 minute rest intervals. Track your heart rate and note where it was at the beginning and end of each 2-minute rest period for all 5 sets.

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Mauk Moerman
Mauk Moerman
August 11, 2021 12:58 pm

A done

B upto 150kg
C backed off a little

D 5:02/5:23/5:58
Bike every round in 25sec
Ttb unb/unb 12/8 (tried if a break would help catching a breath but not????)
Wb’s 15/15 15/10/5 14/8/8

Felt way better than when we did it a month ago

Sigurdur Hafsteinn Jonsson
Sigurdur Hafsteinn Jonsson
August 11, 2021 1:25 pm
Reply to  Mauk Moerman

Faster times ?

Mauk Moerman
Mauk Moerman
August 12, 2021 2:39 am

A little but not to much 20 sec or so

Fabian Hermans
Fabian Hermans
August 11, 2021 12:23 pm

Was not ready for all the lifting yet. So decided to do t2b c2b and RMU progressions again. My training hasnt had the highest volume as of late, but im finally close to a full recovery. So i rather take two weeks extra than to take risk and have another setback

Last edited 3 years ago by Fabian Hermans
Sheina McManus
Sheina McManus
August 11, 2021 12:09 pm

Okay I’m back for real now. I moved house and then got covid but I’m ready to commit now finally! I did Mondays today
A) Front Squat – 105-145
B) Sotts Press – just the bar. I’m limited in overhead mobility in that position
C) cleans – 105-155. Felt surprisingly good
D) 7:01. I remember doing this but didn’t post my time so I don’t know how I did..

A) Done with 125#
B) Done
C) Done – 4 Rds. 26# and 44# KB

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