Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
2-4 PERFECT Ring Muscle-Ups
Followed by. . .
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
1 Legless Rope Climb (ascent and descent performed legless)
3-6 Strict Handstand Push-Up to 0-4″ Deficit
10 Bar-Facing Burpees (FAST AS POSSIBLE)
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 3 reps @ 32X1
Start at 60% and build the first three sets, with the goal to go as heavy as you can handle for the final three sets.
Compare results to July 5, and if possible, make all sets heavier.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 4 sets. If flexibility in this exercise is tough, scale to a higher receiving position & do not add weight.
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Clean x 2 reps
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
Perform all sets 2-4% heavier than two weeks ago.
For time:
50/35 Calories of Assault Bike
50 Ground to Overhead (75/55 lbs)
*Compare to July 5, 2021
Athlete Notes:
Today we have an awesome opportunity to test a sprint workout from a few weeks back! Take a look back to your July 5-11 notes to check your times, and then get ready to go faster! We always say that we love this sport because of the ability to test and retest workouts, come up with new strategies, and track our progress over time! Use today as an opportunity to try a few of those things out! Hopefully you took good notes from the previous go-around, and will best that effort this time! If, for some reason, this time around doesn’t seem to go as well, that’s ok!… as long as you’ve learned from it! We can still learn and improve even when things don’t go as planned as long as you give full effort!
Skill development: done
Skill based: Done
A: Done 275 heaviest
B: Done empty bar fot sots
and 95/105/115/125 for muscle clean
C: Done 225 heaviest
D: 9:01
A. Up to 225
C. 175
D. 7:28 with echo, down about 30 sec from last time
A) up to 185- all sets were heavier and I tied my heaviest. I’ll take it, given my inconsistency ????
B) done 85
C) up to 165- this is also a tie
D) 6:32 Rx
Faster than last time but still not my best
Thanks Tino! Thanks for pushing me and also listening when I need it. Hope you had a good day!
Its great to see you still were able to hit some PR’s even with the inconsistencies! Nice work!
Question about part C. I’m reading this as the hang power clean + power clean to be performed without dropping the bar or resetting in between. Is this correct?
Reset when there’s a natural break so in this instance drop the bar after the hang power clean, rest then perform the power clean. Looking for perfect positions not barbell cycling ????
Got it! Thanks!
A) 225/245/265/285/305/325
C) 185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255/260/245
D) 7:19 Done with 50cal row and 85# barbell. 20/10/10/10
Making it work!
Primer done about 3 min
A: 185
B: 35 & 85
C: 165
D: 7 min! Definitely faster
Nice work Kathryn!
Activation/primer ✅
A. 225/265/275/295/295/305
B. 45/65/95/95
C. Up to 255. Bar flew out of my hand on the 2nd rep at 265. Very hot/humid day with no AC and a bar with the most gentle knurling
D. 4:30. Didn’t hit this last time. All snatches 20/15/15. Probably could have went 30/20
????????♂️ Be careful dude! Get some sweatbands and keep those hands dry!
Primer 2:01/2:17/2:32 finally got a rope but it’s only 12 feet hahaha so I started seated. 6 strict HSPU.
A. 205/225/245/265/275/285miss
B. 45/75/95/115 then 135/155/165/175
C. 155/175/185/205/215/225/235/245/255miss/250
D. 7:36 Rx
Making it work though! Solid start to the week!
Muscle activation: done
Skill: done
3:10 with 3 SHSPU 2”
2:50/2:56 with 5 SHPU 2”
I did 1 pegboard ascends
A: 245/275/305/305/305/305 lbs
(On July 5th I did 305 in the last set only )
B1: 65 lbs
B2: 115/135/145/150
C: 205 lbs
210/215 Power clean failed
D: 6:20
(7:56 on July 5th) Echo bike
Crushed your previous time! Great work!
Primer no deficit – 2:38/2:32/2:29
A. 100/100/110/110/110/110Kg
B. Done
C. Up to 80Kg; lacked power and quickness
D. Rx with Echo – 4:59
Echo – 2:20
G2O – all PS 15/10/10/15; plan was 25/25 but mentally I wasn’t there today
Still snuck under 5! Nice work!
4.17 last time. 25/25 but noted I could go UB. Wanted sub 4 last time. Wasn’t there today mentally but still believe in sub 4.
AM conditioning)
3 rounds for time
500m row
21 russian swing 24kg
12 pull ups
PM Session)
Warm up with 5 bar mu and primer with 6 10cm def hspu done
A) 100kg zombie squats with the same tempo
B) 40kg, then up to 75kg with the muscle, same as last time
C) 105kg, same as last time, but shorter breaks
D) 6:10 rx
2:35 for the bike, then clean and jerks (didn’t feel like snatching today)
This was 0% fun lol
0% fun??? haha maybe youll like it more next time
Ass bike = fun ???? hard to believe haha, but who knows
Knee was giving me some issues again today
A. Didn’t front Squat did some accessory stuff instead
B. Muscle cleans done
C. Up to 285 .. 295 last week but receiving the bar was hurting the knee
D. RX 4:41
Finished bike at 1:06 then just got buried on the ground to overhead
Did 15 then I don’t remember
Did it with bike erg and 35lb DBs last time
Can’t catch a break!
Maybe a full week of just low impact accessory work and conditioning to get yourself right for the next cycle??
Most likely what I’ll be doing!
It was feeling good for a couple weeks then played softball again yesterday for the first time in about a month and the pain was back today so I would have to guess there is a correlation even though I wasn’t really sprinting or anything
“Crossfit prepares you for…Crossfit” ????
LOL that’s so real
1:06, fucking hell man that’s wild. I wonder how were you able to breathe afterwards haha
Heavy and not well
1:06 awesome job ????????????????????????
Thanks man!
Skill 4 rmu’s & primer done, 6 shspu to 10cm deficit, 3.30/2.56/2.30 ????
A. 100/110/120/130/135/140kg ????
B. 20/30/40/50kg & 50/60/70/80kg
C. Up to 115kg ????
D. Cumulated ????
Tempo front squats and accessory work with the class first
C. Up to 235 but hit the second PC a little deep
2 strict mu
2:38, 2:36, 2:31
Hspu no deficit x 6 reps
A. 90-95-100-100-100-100kg
B. 20-25-30-35kg, 40-50-60-70kg
C. 80-115kg
D. 6:45 1st time doing it
Bike 3 min
Power snatch 5 x 10 reps
Slowly getting back into it
???? ????